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Game object


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Can someone explain the advantage of creating an object (veggies) and then attaching the game object to veggies ? 

In many examples, the game object is attached isn't attached to another object.

Example 1
var Veggies = Veggies || {};
Veggies.game = new Phaser.Game(480, 320, Phaser.AUTO);

Example 2
game = new Phaser.Game(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight, Phaser.AUTO, "ph_game");


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Do you mean instead of your example 2?
I do not know why you should write "var Veggies = Veggies || {};" since there is no code before.
for Example 2 I would write:

const game = new Phaser....

It's just for reference globally. If "Veggies" could be a Sprite, it will have "this.game" so it's not necessary to assign it.

Were do you get it from? I think the context will be different.

regards :)

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var Veggies = Veggies || {};
Veggies.game = new Phaser.Game(480, 320, Phaser.AUTO);

This is a simple namespacing technique. The idea is to create a single distinct global variable and store properties there.

The conditional assignment is done when several scripts may need to modify the object but their execution order is unknown.

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