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How to set collision between player and group of tiles?


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Here is my code:

var Main = function(game){


var velocityOfTileMoving = 10,
    speedOfTileGenerating = 15000,
    speedOfPlayerMovingRightLeft = 150,
    facing = 'left',
    sizeOfPlayer = 0.5,
    jumpTimer = 0;

Main.prototype = {

	create: function()
		me = this;

        spaceBar = me.game.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Keyboard.SPACEBAR);

		//The spacing for the initial platforms
		me.spacing = 200;

		//Set the initial score
		me.score = 0;

		//Get the dimensions of the tile we are using
		me.tileWidth = me.game.cache.getImage('tile').width;
		me.tileHeight = me.game.cache.getImage('tile').height;

		//Set the background colour to blue
		me.game.stage.backgroundColor = '479cde';

        me.game.add.tileSprite(0, 0, me.game.width, me.game.height, 'back');

		//Enable the Arcade physics system

		//Add a platforms group to hold all of our tiles, and create a bunch of them
		me.platforms = me.game.add.group();
		me.platforms.enableBody = true;
		me.platforms.createMultiple(100, 'tile');

		//Create the inital on screen platforms

		//Add the player to the screen

		//Create the score label

		//Add a platform every speedOfTileGenerating seconds
		me.timer = game.time.events.loop(speedOfTileGenerating, me.addPlatform, me);

	    //Enable cursor keys so we can create some controls
	    me.cursors = me.game.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys();  

	update: function()

		//Make the sprite collide with the ground layer
		me.game.physics.arcade.collide(me.player, me.platforms);

        //region delteMaybe
        //Make the sprite jump when the up key is pushed
        // if(me.cursors.up.isDown && me.player.body.wasTouching.down) {
	     // 	me.player.body.velocity.y = -1400;
        // }
        // //Make the player go left
        // if(me.cursors.left.isDown){
	    	// me.player.body.velocity.x = -150;
        // }
        // //Make the player go right
        // if(me.cursors.right.isDown){
	    	// me.player.body.velocity.x = 150;
        // }

        //Check if the player is touching the bottom
        if(me.player.body.position.y >= me.game.world.height - me.player.body.height){

        me.game.input.keyboard.onDownCallback = somethingWasPressed;

        me.player.body.velocity.x = 0;

        else if(me.cursors.right.isDown)
            if(facing != 'idle')

                if(facing == 'left')
                    me.player.frame = 5;
                    me.player.frame = 5;

                facing = 'idle';

            me.player.body.velocity.y = -250;


            me.game.time.events.add(Phaser.Timer.SECOND * 1.450, function(){me.player.animations.play('idle');}, this);

            jumpTimer = me.game.time.now + 750;

	gameOver: function(){

	addTile: function(x, y)
		//Get a tile that is not currently on screen
	    var tile = me.platforms.getFirstDead();

	    //Reset it to the specified coordinates
	    tile.reset(x, y);
	    tile.body.velocity.y = velocityOfTileMoving;
	    tile.body.immovable = true;

	    //When the tile leaves the screen, kill it
	    tile.checkWorldBounds = true;
	    tile.outOfBoundsKill = true;	

	addPlatform: function(y)
		//If no y position is supplied, render it just outside of the screen
		if(typeof(y) == "undefined"){
			y = -me.tileHeight;
			//Increase the players score

		//Work out how many tiles we need to fit across the whole screen
		var tilesNeeded = Math.ceil(me.game.world.width / me.tileWidth);

		//Add a hole randomly somewhere
	    var hole = Math.floor(Math.random() * (tilesNeeded - 3)) + 1;

	    //Keep creating tiles next to each other until we have an entire row
	    //Don't add tiles where the random hole is
	    for (var i = 0; i < tilesNeeded; i++){
	        if (i != hole && i != hole + 1){
	        	this.addTile(i * me.tileWidth, y); 


	initPlatforms: function()

			var bottom = me.game.world.height - me.tileHeight,
			top = me.tileHeight;

		//Keep creating platforms until they reach (near) the top of the screen
		for(var y = bottom; y > top - me.tileHeight; y = y - me.spacing){


	createPlayer: function()
		//Add the player to the game by creating a new sprite
		me.player = me.game.add.sprite(me.game.world.centerX, me.game.world.height - (me.spacing * 2 + (3 * me.tileHeight)), 'kisameSprite', 'stance/0.png');


		//Set the players anchor point to be in the middle horizontally
		me.player.anchor.setTo(0.5, 1.0);
		//Enable physics on the player
		//Make the player fall by applying gravity
		me.player.body.gravity.y = 2000;
		//Make the player collide with the game boundaries 
		me.player.body.collideWorldBounds = true;
		//Make the player bounce a little
		me.player.body.bounce.y = 0.1;

        me.player.animations.add('attackMagic', Phaser.Animation.generateFrameNames('attackMagic/', 0, 24, '.png', 1), 7, false, true);
        me.player.animations.add('attack', Phaser.Animation.generateFrameNames('attack/', 0, 5, '.png', 1), 10, false, true);
        me.player.animations.add('left', Phaser.Animation.generateFrameNames('run/', 0, 4, '.png', 1), 10, true, true);
        me.player.animations.add('idle', Phaser.Animation.generateFrameNames('stance/', 0, 3, '.png', 1), 10, true, true);
        me.player.animations.add('right', Phaser.Animation.generateFrameNames('run/', 0, 4, '.png', 1), 10, true, true);
        me.player.animations.add('jump', Phaser.Animation.generateFrameNames('jump/', 0, 3, '.png', 1), 10, false, true);


	createScore: function(){

		var scoreFont = "100px Arial";

		me.scoreLabel = me.game.add.text((me.game.world.centerX), 100, "0", {font: scoreFont, fill: "#fff"}); 
		me.scoreLabel.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5);
		me.scoreLabel.align = 'center';


	incrementScore: function(){

		me.score += 1;
		me.scoreLabel.text = me.score; 		


function animateRunRight()
    me.player.body.velocity.x = speedOfPlayerMovingRightLeft;

    if(facing != 'right')
        me.player.scale.setTo(sizeOfPlayer, sizeOfPlayer);

        facing = 'right';

function animateRunLeft()
    me.player.body.velocity.x = -speedOfPlayerMovingRightLeft;

    if(facing != 'left')
        me.player.scale.setTo(-sizeOfPlayer, sizeOfPlayer);

        facing = 'left';

function jumpHasToOccur()
    var jumButtonClicked = me.cursors.up.isDown || spaceBar.isDown;
    console.log("jumpButtonClicked == " + jumButtonClicked );
    var alreadyOnFloor = me.player.body.onFloor() && me.game.time.now > jumpTimer;
    console.log("alreadyOnFloor == " + alreadyOnFloor);
    return jumButtonClicked && alreadyOnFloor;

function somethingWasPressed(keyCode)
    if(keyEqualTo(keyCode, "a"))

    if(keyEqualTo(keyCode, "m"))

function keyEqualTo(keyCode, key)
    var equalKey = (keyCode.key == key);
    return equalKey;

function beIdle()

    if(facing == 'left')
        me.player.frame = 5;
        me.player.frame = 5;

    facing = 'idle';

function animateAttack()
    me.player.animations.play('attack', 10, false, false);

function animateAttackMagic()
    me.player.animations.play('attackMagic', 3, false, false);

I want player to collide with dynamically generated tiles, but it does not happen. The player just falls down after any animation. For example, is I run left or right the player runs, but falls down simultaneously. To make player and tiles collide I use that in update() function:

me.game.physics.arcade.collide(me.player, me.platforms);

So, help me, please to figure out what am I doing wrong, why collision between player and tiles does not occur when animation takes plays?

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18 hours ago, Adam West said:

@oobarbazanoo try creating the group of tiles this way

group = game.add.physicsGroup();

i'm not sure if it's the same than:

me.platforms = me.game.add.group();
me.platforms.enableBody = true;

but try anyway :)

Thanks for the attention, but result is the same. It does not work. When I animate the player the player falls down through all my tiles.

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