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FPS drop caused by BitmapText. Please Help : (


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I'm building a soccer keepie uppies game. I have many texture atlas' that make up the player and ball for my animations and some static images placed in the scene. There is also a score text in the top left corner.


This all runs fine on desktop but on my iPhone 6s the fps is around the high 40's. If I remove the BitmapText then it's back up to 60fps.

Even removing the player and ball and pretty much having only the score text in the scene I am noticing a hit in performance. Even if I don't update the score and have it just static at 0 points.


I'm really wracking my head with this. I've been looking for a solution for nearly a week now and can't seem to come up with anything. I fell like I've tried all the tricks : (


Unfortunately I can't show any code as I am not permitted to.

Has anybody else ran into an issue like this? Really hope somebody can help as I'm at a loss...


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