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PBR and new GUI test render


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I did a little exercise to update myself on the export in gltf and new Gui : http://studio-ramble3d.com/tassimo/

The modeling is done in Blender, the mapping with substance painter and I export everything from Blender with the add-on of kronos:     https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF-Blender-Exporter


However, I have a question:
For the reflection I used the environement.dds file of Babylon because I can not generate mine.
Is it possible to create one from an equilateral texture?
I followed what is written in the tutorial: https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/physically_based_rendering but when I export my map it generates 7 different textures?

Someone would have an idea for me to finalize this project.

Thank you.


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Hey Deltakosh good remark!
I absolutely have not thought about this pbroblem!
As I said this project was an exercise for me. I did not ask for any authorization so it's better not to expose it!
Again thanks for thinking about it ;).

However I have another project in production and almost finished for the end of the year holidays:


No problem of rigth for this one, all came out of my imagination;).

If you want I come back to you when he becomes functional ?


For the pb on ios it does not come from the texture in png with oclusion, roughness and metalic in the channels rgb?

Good week.

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Hey Deltakosh !

Here is the link of this project:


And you will find a little making of the same subject with the download links of the project and sources!


I made a version in English tell me if there are elements badly translated.

Thank you !

Happy Christmas to everyone :)

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