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Learn: Phaser 2 or Phaser 3?

Del Piero

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Do you have any Javascript or programming experience?  If so Phaser 3 should suit you just fine, the api documentation is outstanding already ,and they haven't even finished it yet.  If you are a true newbie, Phaser 3 will be difficult to start on, as there are only 2 or 3 basic tutorials in existence since it just released.  Phaser 2 has plenty of tutorials and examples online, plus visual editors like Mightyfingers or Phaser Editor (commercial product) help make it easier to develop games to start.  Those visual editors are not yet available for Phaser 3.

Most importantly, get Javascript experience, you will need it.

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On 2/24/2018 at 4:58 PM, Del Piero said:

Hi guys! I need some help.
I want to begin to learn phaser , but I don't know if I study the 2 or 3 version , I'm completely newbie.

sorry for question.

To answer the original question ... how comfortable are you with JavaScript? No? ... then visit MDN ... since JavaScript IS NOT  typical OOP language as much as folks would like you to believe. Both v2 &v3 pull some odd tricks, and the newer v3 promotes horrible design patterns ( anti-patterns) .... you'll cry " Why did n`t I take the Blue Pill ...."

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