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Loading models, and checking collisions


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Hello everyone

my first day with Babylon, so please indulge.

I have the same problem as Emiya0306 but not with the gltf Exporter but with the Babylon Exporter (*.babylon)

I have read the whole thread, but frankly, I didn't understand very much.

The Arc Rotate camera goes through my object (with middle (Scroll)Mouse-Button).
I have checked Collisions for the Object and the Camera.
Did I miss something?


The Blend:

Babylon 3.1.0
Babylon-Exporter 5.62
Blender 2.79B

Many thanks in advance

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Hi Deltakosh,

many thanks for your answer.

I can't get it to work in the playground.
If I paste the JS-Code I get an error message.
"You must at least create a camera."

Thank you, the Camera is in my collisions.babylon, and that's what it's about.

I'm not a coder.
I was just looking for an easy way to put 3D objects on the web.
And that works fantastically, except for the collision.
I am absolutely thrilled!



<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <title>Babylon Test</title>
    <script src="js/babylon.js"></script>
        html, body {
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;
            padding: 0;
            margin: 0;
            overflow: hidden;
        #renderCanvas {
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;
    <canvas id="renderCanvas"></canvas>
        if (BABYLON.Engine.isSupported()) {
            var canvas = document.getElementById("renderCanvas");
            var engine = new BABYLON.Engine(canvas, true);
            BABYLON.SceneLoader.Load("", "test.babylon", engine, function (newScene) {
                // Wait for textures and shaders to be ready
                newScene.executeWhenReady(function () {
                    // Attach camera to canvas inputs
                    // Once the scene is loaded, just register a render loop to render it
                    engine.runRenderLoop(function() {
            }, function (progress) {
                // To do: give progress feedback to user


The collisions.babylon:

{"producer":{"name":"Blender","version":"2.79 (sub 0)","exporter_version":"5.6.2","file":"collisions.babylon"},

That's all I got.


Many greetings




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You can try to change the collision radius: http://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/cameras,_mesh_collisions_and_gravity#arcrotatecamera

But if you only want to make sure that camera does not go through your object perhaps using behavior is a better idea: https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#6FBD14#2 (check line #8: the camera will be automatically set up to not go through the object)

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Hi Deltakosh,

that's really very nice of you, but I don't even know where to put it in my HTML yet.

I copy line #8 from your Link and paste it in my HTML under newScene.activeCamera.attachControl(canvas); - White Screen.

I rename  Camera to activeCamera... White Screen... and so on.

Sorry, absolute JavaScript Noob.


Thank you very much for your help





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Hi gang.  Welcome to the forum, Hansnolte!  https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#1CMD3G#70

There's Han's .babylon file... loaded-in from a folder at Wingnut's free github account.  Lookin' good.

I made a couple of cameras, even though there is already a camera... arriving within the import.

Just screwin' around... havin' some fun with other people's files.  :)  I suppose we should try to turn-on the camera that arrived in the file... see if it is broken and displaying all-white-screen, as Hans has indicated.

Finding/activating those in-babylon-file cameras... can be a challenge, sometimes.   They land-in scene.cameras property...  and scene.activeCamera, and scene.activeCameras array.

Ya just never know where a camera will be... just like in real life.  :x  :)

Hans, the reason for the playground error:  You must have at least one camera ...happened because... the playground itself... checks for a camera in the JS code.  It saw no camera being defined... because YOUR camera... was arriving inside the .babylon file.  The playground can't "see" inside there, so it reported NO CAM FOUND!  That's why I made a dummy camera... to fool the playground. 

After that... we can make our own cameras (inside the loader's onSuccess area like I did)... or let the in-file camera go active... which I haven't tried/tested, yet.

Keep goofin' around, Hans... pretty soon this will all be easier.  Insert console.log(anything)... in various places in the javascript... and use your browser f12 dev tools to view the console.

Keep experimenting!  Grab a zip of this playground... take it home... poke knitting needles into it for fun.  :) Maybe you or some other forum user will want to activate the in-file camera... see what happens.  I wonder what type of camera it is. 

Maybe it's a webVR Device Oriented Stereoscopic Gamepad Following Hemispheric ArcRotate Universal Anaglyph Target Cam!  errr.  :)

Addition:   Aw heck, let's try to find and activate that in-file cam named 'Camera'.  https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#1CMD3G#71  <== Wingnut failing to find it, even though he can see it within the .babylon file.  hmm.  No scene.activeCamera, no scene.activeCameras length, no scene.cameras length, and no scene.getCameraByName('Camera').  Still, Susanne looks pretty good... thru this non-existing camera.  :)   Not sure WHAT I'm doing wrong with all this.

Feel free to make lots of edits, do lots more RUN's and SAVE more versions of that playground... you can't hurt anything.  If you make an interesting SAVE, paste its URL here, and we'll all take a sniff... or help with a problem.  Hope this helps.  Party on... talk soon.

PS:  How many lights do I have activated in that playground scene?  THREE?  (2 created, one arriving)  Wow!  I'm an idiot!  Expect a tan!   :)

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Hi again, @hansnolte.  Yep, you are right.  Sorry about that.  I was working ONLY on activating a tolerable camera (no white screen)... that showed your model. 

I figged you could add camera.useFramingBehavior or camera.collisionRadius yourself, once you got a working camera.


There ya go.  This one uses line 28 as its collision tester.

I think this is an OLD method of loading scenes/models.  We have a more-modern system... called the AssetsManager.


There is an assetsManager load of Suzy (with collision avoidance installed).  The loader APPEARS-TO ignore any cameras or lights arriving in the .babylon file... because we are using an .addMeshTask in line 22.

But I am very inexperienced using the assetsManager.  Mostly, I just find/build helpful playgrounds.  :) 

I'm really not sure WHAT the assetsManager meshTask does with cameras and lights that are inside a .babylon file WITH the wanted mesh.  Maybe others can help teach us.  The assetsManager docs tells nothing about lights and cameras (non-mesh), but maybe I need to read more carefully. 

I hope I was more helpful this time.  Sorry again.

Update:  Oops.  I had a little mistake in #322, so I fixed it... and changed above link to #323.  (I had TWO suzy.checkCollisions = true;:)

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  • 2 months later...

Hi all,

I am looking to have the same behavior but for a FPS game so with a UniversalCamera. 
But even with your informations @Wingnut, (I learn things that's great, ty btw) I can't to make it functionnal.

My camera have an elipsoid form, and the colision system is fine, but I am still to close from objects (walls) and I can see through. (like superman you know :D )
If i change my camera elipsoid's dimensions it work a little, but i can not even moove between a small scene. cause my character is to large :P and wth some walls I can still see through.

Itried with 
camera.useFramingBehavior = true; and cam.collisionRadius = new BABYLON.Vector3(2, 2, 2); but without succes :( 
Do you already have an exemple with an UniversalCamera ?

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