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WebGL caps at 30fps


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  • 11 months later...

I figured out the problem for this issue :D . I realised it was because of the fps debug text I had on my render function

this.game.debug.text(game.time.fps || '--', 700, 60, "#00ff00");

Now I'm just using an added fps text I put into the update function and WEBGL is on full 55-60fps :D.


Fantastic!!! I had the same issue! Thanks

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  • 1 year later...

Last night my game suddenly started to become capped at 30FPS and before, it was 60FPS in chrome. I'm absolutely positive it is not a problem with the debug text as I can view the same FPS reading on the chrome FPS meter. 

Anyone else experiencing this issue? It seems I'm not the only one who has:

I checked on another computer (a mac) and it is running at 60FPS. I re-booted and re-installed Chrome: no change. The cap is still at 30FPS. 

These are the sort of things that really make you scratch your head. 

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On 30/10/2014 at 5:16 PM, saibotlive said:

I figured out the problem for this issue :D . I realised it was because of the fps debug text I had on my render function

this.game.debug.text(game.time.fps || '--', 700, 60, "#00ff00");

Now I'm just using an added fps text I put into the update function and WEBGL is on full 55-60fps :D.


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