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Hello guys. Can I convert phaser game for android platform with help crosswalk or phonegap?


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Can I convert phaser game for android platform with help crosswalk or phonegap? And if 'yes'. How it will be work ? Maybe cocos-2dx js will be better for mobile game dev than  phaser? Thank for answers.

IMHO, phonegap cloud build is very easy to use.

- Don't need to make any complex thing in your JS to make it work with phonegap build.

- The .APK file size is same as the size of your HTML and JS contents.

- Just create github.com repo and push it. Then update the repo via Phonegap to build.

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Intel XDK android-crosswalk works for me.  Cloud builds (so no local setup) and the benefit of many other build targets.


You can simply import an existing game into a new xdk project.  Development can be done withing XDK and tested locally on an emulator or pushed to a device, but this is optional. When ready for final build (eg for marketplace), all the source is packed up and sent to the cloud for building, you get a download links when it's baked.

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The filesize is huge with crosswalk or cocoonjs (min 20mb)

But the performance (if that matters) is better.. With crosswalk you don't need any hacks afaik

Yes, I knew that Phaser game on Phonegap is slow (Webview instead of Canvas mode) and mute :blink:

But it's fine with me. The file size is very good (same as my HTML5 folder size).

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I'm a Phaser n00b, but I use Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova.  You can use existing games by calling the entry point from onDeviceReady() in the Cordova index.js code (obviously adding phaser and yourGame.js to the html first) .  The template is setup to debug/deploy to various Ripple emulators and as well as Android you can build for Windows 8/Phone and iOS (still need a Mac, grrr).  Although it's still early days for the whole Microsoft Multi Device Hybrid Apps thing, it's been an OTB experience for me.  Apart from compiling Typescript to a single file, which needed this fix...




... because the relevant option was apparently removed from the GUI in VS2013.

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  • 9 months later...

I'm a Phaser n00b, but I use Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova.  You can use existing games by calling the entry point from onDeviceReady() in the Cordova index.js code (obviously adding phaser and yourGame.js to the html first) .  The template is setup to debug/deploy to various Ripple emulators and as well as Android you can build for Windows 8/Phone and iOS (still need a Mac, grrr).  Although it's still early days for the whole Microsoft Multi Device Hybrid Apps thing, it's been an OTB experience for me.  Apart from compiling Typescript to a single file, which needed this fix...




... because the relevant option was apparently removed from the GUI in VS2013.

thanks alot :D 

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