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Problem toggling state of input.useHandCursor (Phaser v2.2.2)


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Just getting to grips with the basics of Phaser (Phaser v2.2.2) and trying to make a simple memory game.


I am experiencing problems turning off the hand cursor on a sprite.


I am using the following code:

setEnabledStateOfCards: function(boolState) {    var numCardObjects =  this.arrCards.length;       for (var i = 0; i < numCardObjects; i++) {        this.arrCards[i].inputEnabled = boolState;         this.arrCards[i].input.useHandCursor = boolState;               }}this.setEnabledStateOfCards(false);

I am testing in Firefox on Windows 8. I have noticed after setting useHandCursor to false, it does not change back to the arrow cursor but remains a hand even if I move the mouse in and out of the sprites. If however I alt tab away from the page and then return to the page the cursor has then updated correctly. 


Are you aware of any bug related to this functionality?

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Nobody else experience this issue?


Here is a link to a simple file illustrating the issue.




Clicking on the button should turn the hand cursor off. This does not happen until I alt-tab away from the browser tab or window and then return.


Here is the full code for this test file:

<!DOCTYPE HTML><html><head>	<meta charset="UTF-8" />	<title>Cursor Test</title>	<script src="js/phaser.min.js"></script>	</head><body style="margin:0px;" bgcolor="#000000"><div id="gameContainer"></div><script type="text/javascript">window.onload = function() {		var game = new Phaser.Game(900,600, Phaser.AUTO, 'gameContainer', { preload: preload, create: create });	var image;	function preload () {				this.load.image('card', 'assets/cardFront4Daisy.png');					}	function create () {				image = this.add.sprite(game.world.centerX, game.world.centerY, 'card');		image.inputEnabled = true;                image.input.useHandCursor = true; //if you want a hand cursor                image.events.onInputDown.add(startGame, this);	}	function startGame() {		//alert ("startGame");		image.input.useHandCursor = false; 	}};</script></body></html>

It is frustrating getting stuck on something so basic so would be helpful to know if I am just being dumb or if there is a genuine bug here?



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  • 2 weeks later...

useHandCursor = false won't reset the pointer. It will just tell Phaser to not try and set it again when you next mouse-over that image.


It will automatically turn it off when you move the mouse away from the image. Or you can override it directly with:

this.game.canvas.style.cursor = "default";
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Thanks Rich for the reply


Unfortunately the functionality you indicate should occur does not happen in the example I provided:




When the image is clicked it calls the following code.

image.input.useHandCursor = false;

You stated "It will automatically turn it off when you move the mouse away from the image. "


It would do that anyway without my code as I have only set the useHandCursor for the image.


What I wanted it to do is turn off when you move the mouse away from the image and then move it back on to the image. This does not appear to happen.



The following code you suggested surely just turns the cursor off for the entire game. I am making a card game and I need to disable the hand cursor on individual cards.

this.game.canvas.style.cursor = "default";




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  • 1 year later...

I'm having the same issue described here with 2.4.6. After hitting a button, the button does: button.inputEnabled = false; button.input.useHandCursor = false; button.alpha=0.5; Everything is set as it should except for the hand that stays on and refuses to leave even while moving the mouse. I have to put the cursor over another button in order for it to get back to normal. Any ideas on how to fix this or why might be happening?

Edit: Still happening. It caused when the button is disabled while the cursor is on it. 

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  • 10 months later...


A solution to this issue is to disable the input all together. button.inputEnabled = false;

This inherently disables the useHandCursor, and to toggle it back on you would simply reenable the button and hand cursor.  button.inputEnabled = true; button.input.useHandCursor = true;

Hope this helps.

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