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phaser can i load my own .ttif font?


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You can use bitmapText to add all of your favorite fonts !


Transform your font here : http://kvazars.com/littera/


load it :

this.game.load.bitmapFont('yourFontName', 'assets/typos/yourFont.png', 'assets/typos/yourFont.xml');

and use it : 

yourFont = game.add.bitmapText(676, 209, 'yourFontName','yourTextHere', 64);
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Yeah, but as a bitmap font you'll get one color in one size. The advantage of CSS font-face is that you can use custom font with any color/size you want. And being able to load that into the game would be great.

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Yeah, but as a bitmap font you'll get one color in one size. The advantage of CSS font-face is that you can use custom font with any color/size you want. And being able to load that into the game would be great.

True.. I don't know other solutions ! Sory

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