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Some Crosswalk Questions


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Hello all,


I'm hoping the community can fill in some blanks for me regarding side loading Android apps built as a "Crosswalk Android app", as opposed to a "regular Android app" built with Crosstalk.


I am able to build my project either way, and the "regular" Android build runs on my Nexus 7 when I side load it.  It runs DIRT slow though, so I must assume it is using the standard old Android webview (even though I have Chrome installed on the device, sadly).


So, I built the project as a  Crosswalk Android app, because this bundles an "advanced" webview and uses it to get better performance and better HTML5 conformance to boot.   When you build this way, it produces two APK files (due to Google Play file size limitations).  I think I am doing something wrong when side loading and installing these files.   I've tried installing both, and tried installing just one of them.  In each case, immediately upon starting my game, it shuts itself down.


Does anybody know what I am doing wrong?


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Addendum:  I just upgraded to 4.4.4 Android and the performance is much, much better than it was.  Still, not quite up to par and no sound (using wav files).  I still could use the help I originally asked for, if someone knows the answer(s).

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crosswalk should create two different apk one for arm and one for x86 but those two use the same project using different crosswalk library to support different processors


crosswalk base files size is about 18-20mb that means that your game must be around 30mb you have to use expansion-file... here you have the official explanation http://developer.android.com/google/play/expansion-files.html


expansion files solutions for crosswalk:


1-  use a cordova-crosswalk installation and make advantages of this plugin https://github.com/agamemnus/cordova-plugin-xapkreader or similar plugin


2- you can download on your app folder project with the filesystem api the required files when the app first load but for doing that u need an online hosting where you store your assets


there's also an opened request here for crosswalk and apk file extension https://crosswalk-project.org/jira/browse/XWALK-2630



happy coding ;)

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