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How To implement leaderboard in phaser?


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Hi im planning to add an online leaderboard to my game..


The player does not need to log in the game, they just play and once the game is finish


they will be ask for a name and submit that name along with the score to the leaderboard..


I had research some google REST API and some stuff are still quite confusing..



any help is appreciated.. thanks..

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Maybe with phaser's local var ?...


I never try.

I had already tried, storing it in local browser storage.. but this is not what really I wanted.. I want players to submit there score into some server .. and have there score ranked..

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I had already tried, storing it in local browser storage.. but this is not what really I wanted.. I want players to submit there score into some server .. and have there score ranked..

Okay.. Do you try anything with ajax ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

- Don't trust the client, validate data when it gets to the server.

- Use JS function closure to hide sensitive data.

- Validate data as well on the client side. You may encript the data sent to the server with JS.

- Minimize the JS code you load in index.html in one js file. You could also obfuscate it, there are softwares for this.

- Use immediate anonymous function to close all you JS code in just two brackets "(function () {// my code here }())"


In the end I could do all things in JS/Firebug so again it all falls back to server validation.

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Forget about making your leaderboard secure. As long as your game is running on a client and not on the server it's just a matter of time until somebody submits a fake score.


The most effective things I usual do: Calculate a hash/checksum and make the score a little bit verifiable.

1. Calculate a hash for the data package you're submitting. This hash can be recalculated from an experienced attacker who reads your code and finds the secret key and salt. But hey this will prevent all the script kiddies from intercepting and modifying a highscore submission entry.

2. Calculate your highscore with a special algorithm, so that you're able to sort out all the fake entries. A far too simple example: Only allow highscore that are divisible by 7. Together with 1.) an attacker would have to do the following steps: Intercept the request, update the highscore with a number that is divisible by 7 and recalculate the hash. You could append other annoying things to make the liste even longer. If all those things are distributed throughout your entire project it's going to be very tedious to submit a modified score. 

3. Accept any manipulated highscore but mark it as fake. Now display it only to the attacker. The attacker will believe that he succeeded and maybe stop at this point.


Regards George

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You could use JQuery ajax. It has all necessary things from sending request to recieving response from the server. Both JQuery and Phaser are plain JavaScript so it will be just exchange of js object/functions/data/json.




Not sure if there is some integrated support for Ajax in Phaser?



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