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Software skinning


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Hey team,


I've just introduced a new property for meshes: mesh.computeBonesUsingShaders


By default this value is true, indicating to Babylon.js that you want to use shaders (And thus GPU) to compute bones animations. The only drawback is that this operation can consume a lot of shaders uniforms (a limited resources representing the variables that can be sent from the CPU). On low-end devices this may be a problem as bones can swallow all the uniforms.


So you can now decide to use the CPU (beware to use it wisely) if you want to.


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  • 5 months later...

look at the Christmas old man,

// Software skinning
for (var softwareSkinnedMeshIndex = 0; softwareSkinnedMeshIndex < this._softwareSkinnedMeshes.length; softwareSkinnedMeshIndex++) {
    var mesh = this._softwareSkinnedMeshes.data[softwareSkinnedMeshIndex];

it has 75 bones, so it use cpu to compute bones.

when i remove mesh.applySkeleton(mesh.skeleton); it looks as the first screenshot,

use mesh.applySkeleton, it looks as the second screenshot, the depth is orderless...




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If it's all flat sprite/billboard geometry why are you using skinning and storing all the layers (quads?) as parts of a single mesh with different bone weights? This seem horribly inefficient.

When you said you needed 32+ bones I assumed you'd have a very detailed character mesh with many points of articulation - and even then I questioned why you didn't divide it into sub-meshes as a workaround.

It might seem like skinning works like 2d tools like Spine but the necessity of weighting each vertex means way more work is taking place then you need. If it's all 2d quads being positioned (uniformly rotated, scaled, and translated in space) I think you need a sprite batch (if you must handle all the geometry in a single draw call)

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yes.... it's from spine things...a 2d game,

and we need to turn it into babylon.js, then the art use 3dmax to make same thing of it. (maybe it's the most convenient way...)

i dont know how to divide it into sub-meshes...

and i dont understand  bone weights...


use sprite batch should make a tool first... too hard...



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  • 9 months later...
On 8/7/2015 at 6:41 PM, Deltakosh said:

Hey team,


I've just introduced a new property for meshes: mesh.computeBonesUsingShaders


By default this value is true, indicating to Babylon.js that you want to use shaders (And thus GPU) to compute bones animations. The only drawback is that this operation can consume a lot of shaders uniforms (a limited resources representing the variables that can be sent from the CPU). On low-end devices this may be a problem as bones can swallow all the uniforms.


So you can now decide to use the CPU (beware to use it wisely) if you want to.


I get an error when I set this property to true:

Uncaught TypeError: mesh.applySkeleton is not a function

Scene._renderForCamera @ babylon.2.5.max.js:17989
Scene._processSubCameras @ babylon.2.5.max.js:18116
Scene.render @ babylon.2.5.max.js:18270
(anonymous function) @ main.js:386
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