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question about group's children


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Hi, I'm currently working on a dance revolution-like game and I've been wondering whats the best way to do this.


I'm creating the arrows the player has to press on a group, any time a user press an arrow, if it matches with the one shown on screen, said arrow gets destroyed,  the problem is that if two or more arrows come in the same group but the player only press one, all of them gets destroyed.


I just want that only the arrow or arrows being pressed gets destroyed. What is the best approach to achieve that?


thanks in advance!

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sounds like you need to do the detection on the individual sprites in the group, not on the group as a whole


or i'm assuming it would be possible to detect an event on the group and then filter it down to the specific item that was pressed.


what's your event code?

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I just have an overlap for each of the arrows


game.physics.arcade.overlap(this.contactArrowLeft, this.arrows, this.checkArrowsPrecision, null, this);


contact arrows are the static arrows showing the moment the player has to press them, this.arrows is an array of groups, each group containing the arrow or arrows generated so that the player can press them.


this.creckArrowsPrecision just checks how precise was the user pressing the arrows and gives point based on that, then destroys the group.


i have it that way, destroying the whole group, because I haven't been able to find a way to do the children thing i asked about

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a bit of extra code to put that in context (i've left out the movement code though)


in your example checkArrowsPrecision the second argument should be returning the relevant arrow from the group.. not sure why you've not got direct access to the specific arrow in the group rather than the group

private enemiesGroup: Phaser.Groupprivate hero: Phaser.Spritecreate () {    // start physics    this.game.physics.startSystem(Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);    // add hero & enable physics    this.hero = game.add.sprite(100,100, 'hero');    this.game.physics.enable(this.hero, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);     // create group with physics    this.enemiesGroup = this.game.add.group();    this.enemiesGroup.enableBody = true;    this.enemiesGroup.physicsBodyType = Phaser.Physics.ARCADE;    // create enemy in the group (just one for now, but normally a loop for several)    var enemy:Phaser.Sprite = this.enemiesGroup.create(0,0,'enemy')    enemy.body.bounce=0.8; // this works now because the group has enableBody/physicsBodyType}update() {    this.game.physics.arcade.collide(this.hero, this.enemiesGroup, this.collisionHandler, null, this);}collisionHandler(player, enemy) {    console.log(enemy, enemy.parent)    enemy.kill();}
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