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Babylon Exporter and Vertex Groups


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Using a .babylon file, no, at least not directly.  Neither FileLoader, nor BJS,  support Vertex Groups, so there is no path to export them.


That said, BJS does support Submeshes.  If you assign the vertices of the Vertex Group to a separate material on the mesh, then a multi-material will get exported, and a submesh containing the vertex group will be created.  Ease of access wise, you are on your own, but you have got your data across.

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I'm not seeing any change to my model after updating vertex positions.  I saw that the vertexbuffer has updatable = false, so I set _updatable = false, but that didn't work.  What is the correct way to make vertex positions updatable?

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It turns out that some vertices are moving with mesh.updateMeshPositions.  They just aren't the correct vertices.  I'm using the indexStart of the submesh for the first index in the positions array and indexStart + verticesCount for the last index; 

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I finally figured it out.  After getting the values for each of the vertices from the submesh, I need to search the entire vertices array to find every reference to those vertices.  I didn't realize that one vertex in Blender can be inserted into that vertices array multiple times.

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