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The Babylon.js Materials Library


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The temporary doc file is here: https://github.com/BabylonJS/Babylon.js/tree/master/materialsLibrary/materials/lava


I can't pull the doc repo AND download fallout 4, so when my download is finished, I push the doc at the right place ;)


Edit : Ho, and your example make me think to customize the frequency of the lava waves... It's too damn high for such a little plane :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Time to show my ignorance once again. Please do not underestimate my ignorance (or laziness) when writing instructions. Following the How to create a material For the materials library tutorial I have worked out that to create a new folder I needed to have forked the Babylonjs project. OK done that and copied and edited the simple folder and edited the three files ( haven't really done this but I think I can follow this bit OK for my shader given time) and then came across the instruction


To compile your files, just run gulp().


From what I have read before I presume this is done in nodejs and there is a npm install involved????


Then there is


gulp webserver is this the phrase you type or do you have to replace webserver with some webserver that nodejs uses????


Any help for a nodejs and gulp ignoramus greatly appreciated. :unsure:

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I suppose you have git and node.js installed on your computer. If not, start by downloading it (git and nodejs)

All following lines starting with $> should be done in a terminal (I strongly recommend cmder for windows). 


- Fork the babylon repo with your github account

- $> cd myForkOfBabylonjs/materialsLibrary

- Install all dependencies needed to compile to material library : 

      - $> npm install 

- Install globally Gulp to compile and test your new material : 

      - $> npm install -g gulp


- create your folder furMaterial

- Follow the tutorial in the doc (Copy-paste simpleMaterial...)

- Compile your new material : 

     - $> gulp

- Test it !

     - $> gulp webserver


Don't hesitate to ask again if needed :)

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