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New Babylonjs.com responsive website is live!


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 I’ve spent of lot of my free time recently to work on an upgraded version of babylonjs.com to be responsive across devices: http://www.babylonjs.com


 The new site uses Media Queries of course, Flexbox, SVG and much more fun: CSS Filters! Hovering the mouse on our elements will zoom it a little using CSS transforms & transitions and will apply a blur & sepia filter on the other elements of the flexbox. Using the scrolling links will also use a slight gray filter during the scrolling.


  The website has been tested on IE11/Edge/Chrome/Firefox & iPhone/iPad/Android & Windows Phone devices but if you find anything wrong on your device, please tell me.


  The website is now also much more faster to load (from 6s to 600ms!). This is because we've splitted the demos into specific page. In the past, we're using a SPA like approach. It was complex for our users to find the right file to review. Now, by simply view the source of a specific demo like this one: http://babylonjs.com/Demos/PointLightShadowMap/, you should be able to understand how it works. I've put also all images on our CDN. That's why the new page now loads very fast.


  In conclusion, this website is using almost all modern features supported by modern browsers: WebGL, Web Audio, Gamepad, Pointer Events, IndexedDB, Media Queries, SVG, Flexbox, Filters, Transform & transitions. Don’t know a lot of sites using that much features. ;-)    








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