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Camera not supported on iPad, iPhone?

Ingo Chou

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FreeCamera, ArcRotateCamera, FollowCamera can work on PC (windows),


but these cameras can not supported on iPad, iPhone except ArcRotateCamera.


There is no response when I touch or touch move on iPad, iPhone except ArcRotateCamera.


Thanks for your reply and help.

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Why not put these functions together like ArcRoateCamera for other cameras?


In my opinion, it is not easy to use because I must create and maintain two different cameras for PC and iPad.


However, their functions are exactly the same.


Thanks for your reply and help.

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Why not put these functions together like ArcRoateCamera for other cameras?


In my opinion, it is not easy to use because I must create and maintain two different cameras for PC and iPad.


However, their functions are exactly the same.


Thanks for your reply and help.


PC and mobile touch devices are not behaving the same. It's complex to build a camera control that will work properly on both platforms. For instance, PC can have keyboard + mouse control (FPS or FreeCamera) but also a touch screen. If I'm enabling touch support on the FreeCamera for iPads for instance, it will break the behaviour of the control on touch PCs. That's why, for simplicity, we're letting you deciding the camera to use based on the current devices connecting to your experience. It's very easy to switch from a type of a camera to another one.


For instance, have a look to the way we're going it on BabylonJS.com via the camera button to switch from touch to virtual joystick and so on: https://github.com/BabylonJS/Samples/blob/master/js/loader.js


At last, touch is now supported via the jQuery Pointer Events polyfill named PEP. Thanks to that we have touch support on all platforms: iPad, Android, Windows Phone and touch PC. We're using hand.js (made by us) in the past but we'd like to support the jQuery polyfill to have a unique solution being pushed.

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