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Transparent Clear Color


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I don't exactly know how the _gl.clear function works, but I would like that each frame to be redrawn ontop the former one on a transparent background. This would make each moving mesh let some kind of trace on the screen.
What I did : http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#DC40G
Look at the line 4, I just set a clear color as a Color4 with an alpha value lower than 1.

Now, I set the scene autoClear property to false : http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#DC40G#1
Well, something happens, but not what I expected ...

Does someone know how to achieve what I wanted then ? and could someone also explain what happened in this PG ?

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2 minutes ago, Deltakosh said:

When autoClear = false, only depth buffer is cleared. But because buffer is not preserved between frames a new frame is provided (and cleared)

You can initialize the engine with var engine = new BABYLON.Engine(canvas, true, { preserveDrawingBuffer = true }) to keep the buffer between frames

NB: preserveDrawingBuffer is Chrome (maybe Safari) only and not looking likely to be standardised to other browsers. As an alternative maybe use render to texture and keep a cicular buffer that you combine to produce your effect?

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Just tested here with both chrome and FF : this doesn't change anything on my scene, even with a clearColor with an alpha :-(


[EDIT] : I took a look at the engine constructor code here : https://github.com/BabylonJS/Babylon.js/blob/master/src/babylon.engine.ts#L571

Actually this option seems to not be used, nor stored in any of the Engine instance properties (I just searched for "preserveDrawingBuffer"). Maybe for a further use ?

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