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3D Babylon.js logo


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I'm doing a presentation later this week (NorDevCon 2016), on WebGL (specifically non-gaming applications). I'm using demos of each of Three.js, Babylon.js and Superpowers. (The "slides" are a 3D "game" built using Superpowers.)

I'm a bit surprised that none of them seem to have a ready-to-go 3D model logo. (Three.js doesn't appear to even have an official logo!!)  (WebGL does, though it might not be official: https://www.khronos.org/registry/webgl/sdk/demos/webkit/resources/ )

Someone artistic ought to make one. It'd be a good go-to model for the playground examples, too. (I was going to suggest a simple extrusion of the 2D logo, but looking at it, http://www.babylonjs.com/img/layout/logo-babylonjs.svg, those circles could become spheres, and it could get quite interesting...)

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No quite sure what you are after qqdarren, but you are welcome to use this

BJS - a world view

It is not official. I made it awhile back - the original used BJS v 1.12:o.  I have updated it to BJS 2.3.

The thoughts behind it are:

1. About using BJS the animated text.
2. BJS is used around the world - the globe.
3. The possibilities are almost infinite - the universe backdrop.

Feel free to use it - the code is very very simple (I was just starting out with BJS :lol:).

Runs on my desktop and my Samsung Tab A tablet (Android). For the latter "swipe" to rotate, "pinch" to zoom.

cheers, gryff :)

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Looks great!

The white dot looks a bit strange - like it doesn't quite belong there. (In the 2D logo I can't tell if it was supposed to be a dot on top, or a cut-out...)

(BTW, did you consider making the 5 coloured circles out of coloured glass, and let the other colours happen from their natural overlap? That might make it a more complicated object to distribute, and heavier to render, though.)

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Well, assuming you can( and will) probably add this logo into your scenes, it just have to be light and quick rendered, I think. Of course, that logo is intended to be seen from the front, and in that case, the white is well placed.

I 'm just thinking of making fine animations here. I will try to improve that.

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Nice job Supermitch. I briefly looked at the logo yesterday and wondered about the white dot. I seemed to me it was part of the background and would require a couple of boolean operations to subtract it from the "o" in "babylon and the centre red dot.

But that is just my perception. I suppose the original artist knows what it means :D

cheers, gryff :)

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