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clone and loading temp


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yes @adam that's the way i actualy use.

But i have a looot of clones (for exemple trees).

Maybe there is an "elegant" way to switch a mesh with an other and "re"clone.

clear answer try:

Is there a way to "copy" a mesh and attach to the original mesh. (maybe instances, i've not doc about it)


French try ^^: je cherche un moyen de lier les clone et la source. Ainsi si je charge un modéle et remplace la source, les "copies" seraient automatiquement remplacées.

Exemple je copie une boite  a la place des mes arbres. Pendant ce temps, l'arbre se charge. Une fois chargé, cela remplacerai "automatiquement" mes arbres.


Google is my friend: I look for a way to link the clone and the source. So if I load a model and replaces the source, the "copies" will be automatically replaced.

Example I copy a box in place of my trees . Meanwhile, the shaft load. Once loaded, it will restore to "automatically" my tree


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