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Newer phones freezes to white screen when starting the app


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we are using a Phaser 2.4.3, its build with intel xdk and it uses admob. 


Seems like older and less powerful phones run our game perfectly (galaxy s3, honor holly, all the sonys)

but when it comes to newer phones ie. honor6/7, galaxy s5, game stucks to the white screen at the start and never goes anywhere from there.


Can webGL cause the problem, or the canvas system overall?

Does anyone know any solution for this, all help is needed? 

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You could do something like this: https://developer.chrome.com/devtools/docs/remote-debugging

This would allow you to debug like you normally do.

Have you tried upgrading Phaser? I would at least try the newer versions.

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18 hours ago, VitaZheltyakov said:

Turn off GPU-blacklist


Thank you so much =)


For future, if someone is having same problem, here is how i did it on intel xdk:

go to  intelxdk.config.additions.xml file and type:

<intelxdk:crosswalk xwalk-command-line="--ignore-gpu-blacklist" />

this lets blacklist devices use webgl

Hope it helps someone =)


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