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how to use pixi in phaser ?


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i would use the blur effect from pixi in phaser


how do you integrate this with phaser. When i specify pixi.js and phaser.js same on index.html i have multiple errors.

on the phaser's documentation i see a lot of reference of pixi...could you tell me how it works with phaser ? a sample example ?


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A (very) custom version of Pixi is built into Phaser. You don't need, and shouldn't, try to include it as well (or it will generate all kinds of errors)

The blur filter is available here: http://phaser.io/examples/v2/filters/blur (and lots of others), but you can use any Pixi filter in Phaser. Here is an example showing how: http://phaser.io/examples/v2/filters/pixi-filter

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