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Degrees in 3D


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The question I believe everyone wants to know before answering... is why are you asking? What is the usage for this information? Are you intending to build a game, or app; and why is the question of possible angles of viewing asked? I would look at the following link on this forum for many possible answers to your very relative question:

Once you are able to tell us how you will use the info requested, perhaps we might understand what the question actually is. There is no actual limit to the # of angles in which you can view and object, as it's all relative - unless you preface the question by asking how many possible "camera" angles in whole numbers. But first you must fully understand Yuler angles (Pitch, Roll, and Yaw) to begin to understand an answer to what appears to be an extremely vague question.


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7 minutes ago, royibernthal said:

From how many angles can you see a 3d object?

Here is your answer :



Your question is a non-question. It is meaningless to extend angle-measure into dimension 3+, because angles are a planar object.

However, there exists a concept in non-Euclidian geometry known as the “solid angle” that you may wish to look into. While we understand that angle measure and the associated units (degrees/radians) to be dimensionless, for a system of dimension N, it's associated angulation is of dimension N - 1. So for dimension 3, angulation is 2-dimensional. That is to say, solid angles are measured in square-degrees/steradians. In a sphere, there are steradians, or 129,600/π square-degrees.


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2 hours ago, royibernthal said:

True, thanks for the correction.

So since we can do a 360° rotation around each axis, does it mean the combined number of angles from which we can view a 3d object is 360*3=1080?

If you allow only 1° rotations then there are 360 possible rotations around each of the three axes so there are 360 * 360 * 360 possible combinations. If you allow 0.5° rotations there are 720 * 720 * 720 possible combinations. Theoretically since rotations are continuous there is an infinite number of combinations, in practice in a computer project you would restrict the amount of rotation allowed. If you  only allow 10° rotations then there are 36 * 36 * 36 combinations of rotations around the threes axes.

Also in code rotations are usually measure in radians not degrees so if you only allow rotations of PI/n radians since 2PI is a full turn there are 2n * 2n * 2n possible combinations.

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