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Youtube video as a Source for Video Texture

Raghavender Mylagary

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Copyrights?  pffft.  Can't own things made of/from Earth materials.  Original owners/creators never placed Earth materials up-for-sale, nor were any original entitles of ownership ever transferred to others.  Only original owners/creators of Earth materials... can own things made-from, or made-with... Earth materials.  :)  For Sale signs, No Trespassing signs,  and titles of ownership... did not exist when mankind first arrived.  Mankind illegally invented them.  Only humans honor such things and money.  No other living Earth creatures use these ridiculous tug-o-warring tools.

Nobody is "buying" that, eh?  :)  All in all, it looks like playing a youtube in a webGL scene... is like trying to put toothpaste back into the (you)tube.  :D

That's one helluva name, @Raghavender Mylagary.  Is it okay if we nickname you "Rag" or Rags"?  ;)

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  • 1 year later...

Without knowing more about what the different three.js functions, etc, are doing, i'd say it doesn't actually seem to be webGL.
It looks like three.js is using CSS to project DOM elements to 3D space.


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Its the evil powers that be. (huh?)  They erected a thick wall...  so you can't go browsing on the computer in your 3D scene.  SUCKS! 

Can't read the forum or play MudRunner there, either?  Pffft.  Hey, if you want me to hang-out in my virtual computer room, I'm gonna need some decent warez on my VR computer.  :)

We'll get around it someday... it's inevitable... because it is SUCH an in-demand thing.

Really, all webpages SHOULD be able to reproduce themselves in 3D and still be operational.

AND, all 3D scenes SHOULD be able to reproduce themselves in 2D/webpage, and (sort-of) still be operational.

(I'm hearing a lot of "Get real, Wingnut" thought waves, here.)  heh.

But really, an OBJECT should be able to render itself, or have a proxy object render it... in html, webGL, SVG, XML, JSON, or AmigaGuide.  ;)  It starts to get into "representation".  For example, we can "represent" or "cast" a mesh... as a light.   Or, as a camera.  Or, as a HTML table row.  Each is a representation of the original object.  The representation doesn';t have the same functionality as the original object.  It is a "markup" of the original object... and "markup" == "rendering", yes?  Sort of.  :)

Oh yeah, the wall.  That's the subject here, isn't it?  It's a security thing.  Not sure what happened that caused its necessity, but, it's a hell of a wall.  I bang into it when playing around with new Image() and context2d stuff.  Pretty difficult to drill thru it.  My browser starts bitchin' like hell... "operation insecure", "unpasturized Coors", blah blah.

Aside:  aWeirdo, don't ya think we should be PAID to watch ads?  Ah, nevermind.  The 'ads' topic is a big one and probably requires a thread of its own, someplace else.  :)

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@Wingnut Regarding Ads, I guess that would be nice.. but you'd then have to pay to access everything else on the internet ?  Imagine every website you visit being behind it's own paywall ?

It looks like they are creating a dummy-object (TransformNode) with position, rotation, etc, which is then translated to CSS on the html element & i imagine if its behind an object or out of camera view they make the html element invisible.
I'm not sure how we would render smaller objects in-front on the video.. 

It'll never be true 3D without a videoTexture setup, which brings us back to the whole deal about avoiding youtube systems and accessing video sources, which is a legal &/ ethical issue.
If you own(or have the rights to use) the video you want to display(which you should), you should also already have access to a source, so why use youtube? :) 
I think that is what i have to add to the whole youtube video subject.

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  • 2 years later...

   You are right but @aWeirdo is also right. YouTube.com disalow using there server resources for cross-domain action.

I'am looking for collaborants also any kind of support.This is yuotube alternative player site.
-  Vue / class based components
- Typescript
- Youtube API
- Three.js
- Opencvjs
- NUI control with hands in the air and webcam

   I make project on this subject.
   I use this => https://www.npmjs.com/package/youtube-dl

    VuleTube  [DEV]  online :

    Source : 



Edited by Nikola Lukic
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