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Graphics quality


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Hi, when we want to change pixel graphics to low poly something went wrong...

This is grpahics from bledner:


After import it to babylon, looks that:


What i need to change to get better quality of imported meshes? Also tress builded using particle system is not visible in babylon after import scene.



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@TomaszFurca ; Hi Tomas, welcome to the BJS forum :)

I'm not sure from the pictures what you mean by : "better quality of imported meshes" but perhaps I can help with

3 hours ago, TomaszFurca said:

Also tress builded using particle system is not visible in babylon after import scene

The Blender Babylon Exporter (BBE) does not export particle systems. I assume you are creating trees using a "hair" particle system with a tree object that replaces the hair and perhaps you are using vertex groups/weight painting to place the trees in certain areas of a terrain only.. When you are satisfied with the trees and coverage of your terrain, go to the "Modifiers" tab (the little wrench/spanner), find the Particle system you are using for the trees and press the CONVERT button.

This converts the system to actual meshes - actually "duplicate linked meshes" - which will be exported in the .babylon file as "instances" which will be quite efficient in your BJS scene.

Hope that helps with the trees :)

cheers, gryff :)

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Some basics tips :

  • in Blender, set all your objects in shading smooth and tweak their, or check Use Flat Shading in mesh option if mesh don't have to be smooth
  • if you have static lighting and if you work in standard material workflow, bake textures (lightmap or complete-map for example), if you work in PBR workflow... I haven't try it yet :)
  • of course, like every 3DRT engine, you have to tweak materials and lighting directly from engine (with editor or javascript), not from 3d modeler.
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Finally i load map with tress and low poly graphs similar to blender quality. Do you have any tips to show graphics in better quality?

After save scene with tress, grass and many other small details I have 2050 meshes, so FPS dramatically fall down. Should i generate forest or meadow using SPS?



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A Blender solution is to merge the tree parts (wood & leaves), and grass blades  (select then cntrl-J).  You would then only have 3 meshes.  I had just been looking at Blender Hair particle systems.  @gryff, this is a "regular" particle system.  The Javascript overhead of managing 2050 objects in the render loop, then draw call overhead is crippling your scene.

As long as the individual wood, leaves, or grass meshes do not move, there is no reason to pay for the overhead.  Instances only reduce the draw call overhead.

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1 hour ago, JCPalmer said:

The Javascript overhead of managing 2050 objects in the render loop, then draw call overhead is crippling your scene.

Agreed Jeff :) First thing I would do for such a scene is ask, "Do I need all those 2050 objects?". Then look at ways that they could be reduced and or instanced.

Here is a scene I have been working on recently (not optimized for structure - trees growing out of rocks :o):

Wooded Terrain

It has 378 meshes - most created with the hair particle system then CONVERTed to instances for export. According to the sandbox - maximum of 10 drawcalls

There are 100 trees, ~175 rocks (3 materials/vertex types) and 50 little bushes + plus some other stuff

If you look at this image @TomaszFurca posted : image, Is each blade of grass a separate mesh? There are ways to create grass with two crossed planes often used in games and Second Life.

My first instinct would be to analyze the scene and look for efficiencies.

cheers, gryff :)



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Thanks for replayes and help. Now perfomance problem is resolved. Light are OK too.

But i don't know why objects like stone, tress, grass are in worst quality in babylonJS than blender. Also we tested (me and my cousin) scene in Unity, all objects are in good quality.

Check screens:



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@TomaszFurca : well looking at your Babylon image, I assume that maybe improving the shadows is one possible improvement you are looking for.

I don't know how you are coding those shadows but take a look at this tutorial and playground

If those are insufficient for improving the look of the scene, then you could bake the shadows into the terrain texture in  Blender.

But a question about that babylon scene. According to the debug windows, you have 71 total meshes but 202 draw calls. Why?

cheers, gryff :)

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The main problem was camera, when i change it to orthographic, graphics looks better - i don't know why camera wasn't exported from bledner to babylon. Actual results you can check in http://babylon.furcatomasz.pl/

WASD - control player

space - attack

arrows to modify camera

multiplayer is implemented too, but buggy when connect more then 2 players :)

Actual graphics quality is acceptable :)


Thanks for replays

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