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PBR issue


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Hi, just pulled newest version of babylonjs and got some problems with PBR material for chrome, it is just black and don't use environment texture from scene anymore.

Texture is created in code:

this.scene.environmentTexture = new HDRCubeTexture(
    "environment.hdr", this.scene,

Material is inside babylon json file part of multi material,

   customType: "BABYLON.PBRMaterial",
   name: "material name",
   id: "material-id",
   microSurface: 0.9,
   reflectivity: [0.8, 0.8, 0.8],
   albedo: [0.02, 0.02, 0.02],
   environmentIntensity: 0.5,

Something changed in serialisation of material  or I am missing some props in json? as it worked before 

Also texture is loaded.

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Oh, the pre-processing completely changed in this version (one of the breaking changes). The documentation is being updated right now and Basically you ll simply have to pass your files through IBLBaker (open source simple environment tool) to generate DDS Files.

The result looks way better: http://www.babylonjs.com/demos/pbrglossy/

Sorry again for the changes, but as you can see in the demo they are for the best.

As for the documentation, I am basically fixing one of the latest issue before the release which will be done along side the documentation.

Hope that helps.

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