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circle/custom shaped ribbon "2D" with gradient


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Hey guys - haven't found what I needed so far so I hope it's not a duplicate.

I'd like to create a custom shape in "2D" with a gradient.

This playground shows the shape I currently have https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#E6IX1#122
instead of just having an emissiveColor I wanted to add a gradient.
I so far figured out that if I'd use multiple paths to create a sphere for example and omit the z-coordinate the lights would be applied.

What is the way to go if I want to have a gradient?

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thanks already for your answers, I tried that quickly and it seems that I'm missing something.
as soon as I add the colors to the options, the mash disappears. I hope you can quickly help me again. 

What I figured out so far: If I add a second path and scale that to 0 (like in the example below) and therefore add the double amount of colors it works. 
I guess that's because only like that the vertex outer ring color differs to the inner ring color and therefore a gradient applied (correct me if I'm wrong)

But think I have to further specify what I actually want to achieve: 
I got now how I could do it with the lights applied: https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#E6IX1#128

but I'd also like to know how I can apply such a gradient without the influence of the light / as if we had an emissiveGradient.

thanks again.

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If you pass a single path in the pathArray, the underlying process cut this path into two half sized paths and build the ribbon with these two paths : https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#E6IX1#126

The color array must contain exactly the same number of color4 than the ribbon points. I suppose that, in this case, the number of color4 is different than the the number of points.

For no light, just apply a white emissive color and the vertex colors will simply be merged to it : https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#E6IX1#130


Remember also that, if you set the ribbon as DOUBLESIDED, it has then twice more points, so twice more colors to set : https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#E6IX1#131

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I guess I'm more looking for something like that:


but with the API of this: 

maybe this can be altered so it becomes something like the above (135) - sorry for being a noob - I'll get better soon :D

I guess I'm looking for something like we have in Photoshop for 2D images - different kind of gradients: radial, linear etc.

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remember also that the colors are updatable like the mesh geometry : https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#E6IX1#138

(could be fixed for the last remaining points, but it's only as an example purpose)

can't stop playing : https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#E6IX1#139


[EDIT] the gradient material is nice but works only along the Y axis

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a good to know we can also update the colors :)



the gradient material is nice but works only along the Yaxis:

how could we create one along the X axis? was just trying to figure that out in my mind but with the ribbons and multiple paths (scaled), I'll always only reach radial gradients.
I guess creating the right path might be a solution - instead of just scaling it down I could calc the middle and add the right vertex colors there - but I guess I'm wrong there too since - the color on the outer left part should be more intense and become less intense going to the right. If you have a good approach - I'd be very interested. 

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51 minutes ago, santarcade said:

I didn't know too about update-able vertex color and uvs.
Lovely discovery that should be added in the docs and tutorials maybe.

To achieve something similar, I did write a custom shader! :rolleyes:

Thank you!

do you still have that shader? :}

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Hey @leechii,

here it is a sample I used on a ribbon, creating a linear gradient via UVs: http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#1YHPOU#7
It can take an input color or sample the passed texture (for that uncomment lines 67 and 68).

Applied to you shape it looks like this: http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#1YHPOU#9

My goal was to make a fadeout near the head and tail of my shape, probably you will want to adapt the code to blend between two colors.


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