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How to create cube inside sphere with different textures or colors


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Hey fellows,

I want to know how to create a cube inside a sphere. The cube should have a texture from an image. The sphere should be transparent like glass. And finally the cube should spin  respectively the sphere with the cube inside should spin.

I will try to create a PG to prepare the first steps.

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So, here is the PlayGround. It's more than the first step, it's the solution :D.

BUT.. can I put both meshes into one object and clone this object multiple times.

I want to use different textures for the cubes of the cloned objects.

Something like

sphere1.cube.material = material1;

sphere2.cube.material = material2;

sphere3.cube.material = material3;

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My suggestion would be to make the sphere parent to the cube, 

cube.parent = sphere

then clone sphere and try

sphere1.getChildMeshes()[0].material = material1


Wont be on laptop until tomorrow so cannot change you PG to try it myself.

If you combine the sphere and cube into one mesh using mergeMeshes then they have to share a material unless you want to get into multi-materials.

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