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How to load à babylon file in the playground ?


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Hello, I'm trying to load a babylon file on the playground but without success.

I get two errors including "[20:24:54]: Unable to load from http://up11.servehttp.com/guid_2_trees_2.babylon: Failed to load scene.".

The url of the file is correct because the file opens on the browser.

There is something that escapes me, can you help me catch up?

thank you


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Thank you for your answers.
I modified the httpd.conf file of my apache server according to the following procedure:
Open the httpd.conf file with a text editor (eg Brackets) and look for the line below.
LoadModule headers_module modules / mod_headers.so
This line is used to activate the Apache module for customizing HTTP request headers. It must not begin with a # character (which places the rest of the line in comment). If this is the case, delete the # character. Then, add the following lines to the end of the file.
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
# Accept cross-domain requests
Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
</ IfModule>
Save your changes, then stop and restart Apache. >>
I no longer have the error concerning the cross domain but I have the following error on the console:

the GET request added ".manisfest?xxxxx" to the url, is this normal ?

Image 1.png

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