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Best Method for Applying Texture to 1 Face


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If you have very predictable shape like a squashed cube, I would go with a multi-material.  Multi-materials are a real pain except for exporters, because the vertices need duplicated on borders.  People do not want the hassle of async loading, but Tower of Babel generates code which can be run sync, eg var a = new Tile('a', scene). 

Made a quick blend:


Generated a .js file.  Here is the materials with stuff stripped out not really needed:

var material = new _BABYLON.StandardMaterial("turso.sides-bottom", scene);
material.ambientColor  = new BABYLON.Color3(.8,.8,.8);
material.diffuseColor  = new BABYLON.Color3(.64,.64,.64);
material.emissiveColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0,0,0);
material.specularColor = new BABYLON.Color3(.5,.5,.5);
material.specularPower = 50;

material = new _B.StandardMaterial("turso.top", scene);
// add texture

var multiMaterial = new BABYLON.MultiMaterial("turso.Multimaterial#0", scene);


Here is the geo class, with more stripped out:

var Tile = (function (_super) {
    __extends(Tile, _super);
    function Tile(name, scene, source) {
        _super.call(this, name, scene, null, source, true);

        var cloning = source && source !== null;

        this.id = this.name;
        if (!cloning){
            this.setVerticesData(BABYLON.VertexBuffer.PositionKind, new Float32Array([

            var _i;//indices & affected indices for shapekeys
            _i = new Uint32Array(36);
            CONTIG(_i, 0, 0, 35);

            this.setVerticesData(BABYLON.VertexBuffer.NormalKind, new Float32Array([

            this.subMeshes = [];
            new BABYLON.SubMesh(0, 0, 30, 0, 30, this);
            new BABYLON.SubMesh(1, 30, 6, 30, 6, this);
    return Tile;

TOB also analyzed your index and noted that it is one contiguous range to save space.  It called another function int the file:

function CONTIG(array, offset, begin, end) {
    for(var i = 0, len = 1 + end - begin; i < len; i++) {
        array[offset + i] = begin + i;


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BTW, one other way which is dead simple is just use 2 meshes.  A plane for the top, and a box for the bottom.  Parent the one least likely to be clicked, probably the box, to the other.  Same 2 draws calls as multi-material.  With instancing, 2 draws total.  Having a custom shader seems a little exotic for this task.

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So I ended up using a ground mesh, and will make it look like a box using JC palmers method.

I strayed away from the UV one because even after I set up the UV's and the texture it made the bezierCurves of the texture vs the physical lines go off just a hair.

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