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Playfab Plugin?


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I just added support for loading external JavaScript files with addAsset function. Now you can easily load all the PlayFab libraries that you need.

Take a look at the PlayFab JavaScript guide: https://api.playfab.com/docs/getting-started/javascript-getting-started


.body(function() {


game.createScene('Main', {
    init: function() {
        var loginRequest = {
            TitleId: 'myTitleId',
            CustomId: 'myCustomId',
            CreateAccount: true
        // Now you can access PlayFabClientSDK object
        PlayFabClientSDK.LoginWithCustomID(loginRequest, function(result, error) {
            if (!error) {
                console.log('Congratulations, you made your first successful API call!');
            else {


Remember to update your game engine to latest 2.6.0 version.

Let me know if you have any issues.

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An update about this thread, to sum it up, thanks @enpu, it works. For some reason, my PC's Panda IDE was an old version and it might have caused the issue. So here are the steps

  1. Download latest panda IDE
  2. Update the engine to the latest in your project
  3. Download PlayFabClientApi.js from https://download.playfab.com/PlayFabClientApi.js into the media folder 
  4. Add game.addAsset('PlayFabClientApi.js') to your game.main
  5. Add the following snippet to test whether it works (I used it in init of game.main), ideally when you run this in the IDE or the browser, a player will be created on PlayFab 
    var loginRequest = {
     TitleId: '<your game ID>',
     CustomId: <custom ID>,
     CreateAccount: true
    PlayFabClientSDK.LoginWithCustomID(loginRequest, function(result, error) {
     if (!error) { console.log('PF ID: ' + result.data.PlayFabId); }
     else { console.log(error);}


As a next step, I prefer to make PlayFabClientApi.js into a plugin, like the instantgames plugin and load the script dynamically and not bundle it with the package. I shall keep this thread updated if the plugin is a success, or maybe drop if off in the plugins sub forum. 

Once again, thanks @enpu!

@Stephan, there you go, done! Time to start with the game, yay! 

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