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phaser 3.14 breaks game: BUG: pipeline('Light2D');


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UPDATE: Phaser is throwing an error since version 3.14 for: datasource of undefined
By setting the pipeline for lighting. (Normalmap is also defined and loaded)
This worked before. Now I try to find out what changed and what has to be changed.. but that's quite hard despite a real API version changelog.
Has anyone a clue?
Bug on GitHub: https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser/issues/4079?_pjax=%23js-repo-pjax-container
Also the example breakshttp://labs.phaser.io/view.html?src=src\game objects\lights\dynamic tilemap layer.js

//layer_ground is a dynamicTilemaplayer reference


Help!  by updating to phaser 3.14 my games are broken.

EDIT: I set the dynamic tilemap code to a string ('tilemap') instead of referring to their variable. But then the tilemap simply does not render. It's there anyway. But it seems it cannot find the texture anymore. But referring (as in the code) to the variable for the texture causes the error as described below.

my games are breaking and I can't figure out what's exactly wrong.
Here is the console output of the non-minified phaser file. (attached)

As far as I know, this has something to do with dynamic tilemap layers?
phaser14.js:45334 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'dataSource' of undefined

How I use them:

// tilemap graphic and map are loaded: the graphic is loaded and at the right place
this.map = this.make.tilemap({ key: key, tileWidth: TILESIZE, tileHeight: TILESIZE });
const tileset = this.map.addTilesetImage('tilemap');

// dynamic tilemaps:
const layer_clouds = this.map.createDynamicLayer(0, tileset, 0, 0);

but it worked before, it's hard to find a place where I can track changes of the API on phaser.io ?... maybe I just need the reference, but I can't find one.

Thanks in advance for any help!


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1 hour ago, SamTheMighty said:

UPDATE: Phaser is throwing an error since version 3.14 for: datasource of undefined
By setting the pipeline for lighting. (Normalmap is also defined and loaded)
This worked before. Now I try to find out what changed and what has to be changed.. but that's quite hard despite a real API version changelog.
Has anyone a clue?

There's nothing to find, this isn't the result of an API change. It's just another bug with the less than stellar light map code, which honestly ought to be removed entirely.

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  • 1 year later...

I'm running into this issue with version `3.20.1`

just looking at where it's breaking: `ForwardDiffuseLightPipeline.js`


else if (gameObject.tileset)
            normalTexture = gameObject.tileset.image.dataSource[0];


tileset is an array so the code might should be: `normalTexture = gameObject.tileset[0].image.dataSource[0]`

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