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Is it a good idea to add Music to online games?


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7 hours ago, leonylyner said:

I notice most online games don't have a background music when playing. Even if they do, it is only in menu.

Will music make the game more fun? Or will it have negative effects? Like when the user is bored of the music and then he may think that he is bored of the game.

As a game developer there are many things to consider. If I compose the music myself, it will probably be turned on, otherwise it may be turned off, -  to maybe emphasize sound-effects.
Music can set a mood, underline a mood - just like in the movies. Music is also a matter of taste. Also the device itself (mobile, tablet etc.) and surroundings (play environment) can make a gamer want to turn down volume, turn off music etc.
Options for setting the volume of music (relative then to sound-effects) and then also overall volume could be a must. Volume per application is perhaps a challenge on many devices. Maybe the gamer wants only sound-effects and on a low level, and then play one of his favorite track-lists (with another app).
If a gamer gets bored because of the music, - well, you can't please all of the people all of the time.

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7 hours ago, leonylyner said:

I notice most online games don't have a background music when playing. Even if they do, it is only in menu.

Will music make the game more fun? Or will it have negative effects? Like when the user is bored of the music and then he may think that he is bored of the game.

Sure, why not
But don't forget to add mute button ;)

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As a game developer I enjoy adding music to a game.  I can't imagine creating a game without music featuring somewhere.  There might be cases for not having background music - e.g. if the main game is set in an environment that has other ambient or rich soundscapes.  But some musical phrases to highlight key events or motivate choices or UI scenes is always warranted in my creative opinion.

As a game player I rarely notice good music, but I do notice "bad" music.  Bad music without a Mute button will send me packing ... and these all too frequently come as a twin-pack of badness!

That's my take on sound design generally - sound is often passive so we mostly notice the bad stuff / it's a thankless task.  For many developers the risk of doing it badly outweighs the benefit of doing it well - so a lot of games choose to stay on the silent and safe side.  Plus the technical issues may be a factor for some developers too?

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