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How to Load Synchronously a Text/CSV/JSON file?


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I would like to be able to load a text file (or json, csv, and other text-based files) as simply as I do with textures. Something like that

this.dictionary = new BABYLON.TextFile("./assets/data/dictionary.txt");

I would like  my text file to de loaded synchronously so that I am sure I can read its content once I run the line that loaded it.

But it seems that there is no way to do so ? that just drives me crazy.

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LoadFile is what gets run for things like a .babylon or sound file.  The second arg is a success  function callback.  You cannot really do any synchronous file loading except for script & other files listed in a html file.  Even then, it is not really synchronous, just performed before control is passed.  Do Something like:

BABYLON.Tools.LoadFile("./assets/data/dictionary.txt", (data) => {
     this.dictionary = data;


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You can do this this way to load a json file synchronously (with $.ajaxSetup({ async: false});)

function getJson() {
    var text = "";
    $.ajaxSetup({ async: false});
    $.getJSON(dictionary.json?" + Date.now(), (data) => {
        text = data;
    $.ajaxSetup({ async: true});
    return text;

var myText = getJson();


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1 hour ago, JCPalmer said:

LoadFile is what gets run for things like a .babylon or sound file.  The second arg is a success  function callback.  You cannot really do any synchronous file loading except for script & other files listed in a html file.  Even then, it is not really synchronous, just performed before control is passed.  Do Something like:

BABYLON.Tools.LoadFile("./assets/data/dictionary.txt", (data) => {
     this.dictionary = data;


The issue of this solution is that this is not synchronous. Hence when I try to use my dictionary from an other object, I get an error because the dictionary is still "undefined".

@Dad72 I am new in web development, I am using Typescript. Is there big drawback in using jQuery? In term of memory usage and mobile web?

Thank you for your answers! :)

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@JohnK That's not really synchronous, but yes, I thought of a similar solution. Ultimately I thought I will have to use the AssetManager and start the game when it is loaded and then access the assets by name from the Scene...

However, you can't access a Text-based asset by name from the Scene. Here is the list of things you can retrieve by name:



Async / Await as a solution

I started to play with async / await, which are very similar to Coroutine / Yield in C# (or python).

Basically you can start an "async" function (Coroutine), in which you can use "await" to block the code execution until a Promise is resolved (Yield).

Instead of using BABYLON.Tools.loadFile(), I use d3-fetch, which is part of d3.js, a library for handling and visualizing data. As d3-fetch is based on fetch API and Promises, it is compatible with async / await. As far as I understand, BABYLON.Tools.LoadFile() returns a IFileRequest and hence, it is not compatible with async / await.

Here is the code I came up with:

class LetterData {
    async loadData(){
        let s:any = await d3f.csv("./assets/data/letter-frequency.csv");
        this.letterTable = s;

class Game {
    constructor(canvasElement : string) {
        // Create canvas and engine.
        this._canvas = document.getElementById(canvasElement) as HTMLCanvasElement;
        this._engine = new BABYLON.Engine(this._canvas, true);
        this.start(); // this is equivalent to a Coroutine

        // I could display a loading screen here in parallel to this.start() ...      

    async start(){
        // here every single functions wait for the previous one to be terminated before to start
        await this.initScene();
        await this.loadUI(); // we are 100% sure that the scene was loaded when we start making the UI
        await this.initRendering(); 

    async initScene() {
        this._scene = new BABYLON.Scene(this._engine);
        await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            window.setTimeout(() => resolve("simulating loading time here!"), 1000)
        console.log("Loading done!")  

    async loadUI() {        
        let letterData = new LetterData();
        await letterData.loadData();
        // I am 100% sure that the data is accessible now:


    async initRendering() {}


The only drawback on this await / async solution is that I need to add "es2015" to "lib" in my tsconfig.json. After this change, "console.log" was not recognised by typescript anymore and I needed to add "dom" to "lib". One drawback I can think of is that I have no idea if that makes the code incompatible with some browsers, or make the dependencies heavier. But I can say for definite that await / async is a very nice things to have for game dev (to create a game loop coroutine for instance).

EDIT: So I checked, and it seems we can add lib = ["es2015", "dom"] to the tsconfig.json without messing up compatibility with browsers, as the target stays the same. ... Any one to confirm?

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async await WON'T work on old browsers (but most will be fine)

as an intermediate solution you can uses promises (Babylon.js will provide a fallback for you)


so instead of await loadData() you will end up wtih loadData().then(...) but at least it will work even on ie 11

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Actually I found this link in the documentation which speaks about Async/Await: https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/promises

On 11/5/2018 at 6:26 PM, Deltakosh said:

async await WON'T work on old browsers (but most will be fine)

as an intermediate solution you can uses promises (Babylon.js will provide a fallback for you)


so instead of await loadData() you will end up wtih loadData().then(...) but at least it will work even on ie 11

I am not sure that .then(...) avoids "having to deal with pyramids of callbacks intricated in a non easy to maintain way." (cited from the documentation link above).

I get the impression I will end up doing Promise.then().then().then().then() ? 

So... I guess that means I won't support old browsers ? thank you for letting me know!

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