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Sprite turned black when sponsor test the game


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Hi, I have a game sent to my regular sponsor. But when he checks, some sprites turned black. Any ideas or work around to resolve this issues? What are the possible reasons why it is happening?


Before sending it to the sponsor, I have tested to my laptop's ie,chrome and firefox browsers and with tablets and mobile phone the game works perfectly fine.



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Hi Rich, the dimension of the sprite is just 71x67. Based on the screenshot the sponsor sent me, the sprites appears to turned black in random because there are 5 different sprites on the same size.


*EDIT: Here is how I put the sprites on canvas

monsterList = ['red','green','violet','blue','pink'];var idx = Math.floor(Math.random()*5); var m = this.game.add.sprite(Math.random()*320,Math.random()*(1+480-100)+100,'monster-'+monsterList[idx]);


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