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fast collision problem


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the container is moving too fast and ignore the collision between the player. 
2. the container have a scale tween :

this.add.tween(container.scale).to({y : 0.8}, 300, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true, 0, Number.MAX_VALUE, true).loop();

and when stand on the container coz this tween the player fall across .

here the link for the test:

and here the code:

ty for any in advance
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oh and the scale collision problem is a different thing..  i don't know much about arcade physics -- i just was surprised that scaling the sprite also scales the physics body..  


in p2 you need to change the shape separately.   here is a working example of a scaled object with a player standing on i with p2



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ty but i done the whole game with arcade psychic. 
the collision is check in every frame. i think i have to change the delta time.

can i fix the size of the body for the scale tween. it can solve the scale tween collision.

or i have to attach a invisible rectangle to the sprite and use collision for this?

sry for bad english

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