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  1. andreyin


    Thanks to C2 I can always prototype one game a week too, it's really handy. But since I'm by myself most of the time I end up never finishing most of them.. In any case, cool games!
  2. Thanks for the feedback guys, I really appreciate it. I don't even have a tablet so I wasn't sure if it was running well on it. Currently my team and I are pretty much broke and looking for a publisher so we can keep on making this. Anyone has any tips on finding one? I've been sending emails to some places but no response so far.. Thanks!
  3. It runs great on iOS using CocoonJS and WP8! The layout isn't that big considering the size of the tiles (64x64), and the scale doesn't slow it down. The physics object usually would cause some lag but since I'm using the tilemap object in C2, the whole scenery is just a large, immovable physics object so it's fine, too.
  4. Thanks a bunch! I'm aware of this bug, I'll look into it. Maybe it would be better to have a "reset" button appear instead of the cat automatically resetting...
  5. Thanks! I actually have the early prototype hosted on my dropbox so you can try it out: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2383513/KS4/index.html
  6. Hi there! I'm making this game with a couple of friends in Construct 2. Basically you have to pull the cat and release it, so it flies around to get the bird, which takes you to the next level. You can gather stars on each level too, and use them later to buy outfits for your cat (but we still have to implement that). We want to release it for iOS first and see if we can make some money out of it so we can keep working on it, but we're really new at all this and could use some tips... I've been reading about game monetization but the more I read the more it confuses me haha! So any help is deeply appreciated. Currently we have no devlog or anything, but I usually tweet about it when I'm working on it at @andreyin. Might also update it here once in a while, when we've got a better prototype. Cheers!
  7. Hey, glad to see your game made it! Just wondering, whatever happened to the PS version? Is that still coming out? I had such high hopes for it.. glad to see the Wii U version is still going, though. Hope Scirra delivers (and they probably will).
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