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Help to create a curved path

Welisa Lewis

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i need help with a game i'm creating. I need a platform which has a curved path and the player moves along the path created. I have created a path using Bezier Interpolation which creates a path using random points in a range. The issue is that i can only create the outline of the path and i need to fill the area under the curve so that it looks like a solid platform.  


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However, could you please help me with how to fill the entire area under the curve with a colour so that it looks solid. I am using a catmullRom interpolation this is the code below:

my array of this.points is:

this.points = {
        'x': [ 0, 128, 256, 384, 512, 608, 800, 1050, 1230, 1600, 1800 ,2000 , 2500 ],
        'y': [ 410, 350,500, 440, 360, 540 ,370 ,425, 400,  540,  470,  460, 415]


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