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Phaser 1.1.4 Released!


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I'm really pleased to announce that the long-awaited 1.1.4 is finally out. There is a full write-up about it on my blog here:




Thank you to everyone who contributed feedback and testing during development. This is a significant upgrade, so be careful before blindly upgrading from 1.1.3 if your game is well established under that codebase.


If you find issues (and I'm sure you will!) please check the Examples first to see if there is a new way of handling things, then post about it on the forum (don't clog up this thread, it will be impossible for us to keep track, create a new one). Or use github issues too.


Thanks everyone :)


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I'm still very new to Phaser (started yesterday), but I think I did the right choice when determining which JS Engine to use to build games.

The examples that come with Phaser are really helpful, but the one thing I'm missing (and maybe I'm just blind or something) is a search funtion on http://docs.phaser.io.

It is enterily possible that I'm completely blind and it is quite obvious where it is, but I would be more than greatful if you could point me to it.


Other than that: Great work!

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Kudos on the release! Was looking forward to it :D

Love the new examples :)

On the subject of documentation, I do think that it could be a tad better. Now, full disclosure, I'm a javascript newbie, so that might be the cause. If it is, disregard my suggestion.


I do believe that an API should be as exposed and documented as possible. For reference of what I believe is ideal documentation, take a look at Processing's website. It is, in my humble opinion, the best reference I've seen on programming. Lua reference is pretty good, as is Love2d reference.


There is already a wealth of examples for Phaser and they could, coupled with a more exposed API, provide an even better documentation than we have now.


The current flow to do something:


Ok, I need to add a Sprite for my character.  The Phaser.Sprite shows something that is different/more convoluted/not the convention from what I want so let's check Game. game.add refers to GameObjectFactory. GameObjectFactory page shows that one of it's members is sprites. So game.add.sprites would add a sprite. Got it. 


A more exposed reference would be:


Ok, I need to add a Sprite for my character. Let's search for the word sprite... There, found it!


*clicks it*

*Views description, example and whatnot.*


I am willing to help with the documentation, if there is a want/need to change it.


Oh and the processing-like solution above doesn't require a search bar ;)

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It's not quite the same thing as Processing though. Phaser is all about the helper functions that just don't exist elsewhere. A search for "Sprite" could bring up many many references all over the place, as it should. What it should do is make you think "Oh and Sprite class" *click* and then somewhere at the top it says "To create a Sprite use game.add.sprite". That's the sort of enhancement it needs imho :) More text!

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It's not quite the same thing as Processing though. Phaser is all about the helper functions that just don't exist elsewhere. A search for "Sprite" could bring up many many references all over the place, as it should. What it should do is make you think "Oh and Sprite class" *click* and then somewhere at the top it says "To create a Sprite use game.add.sprite". That's the sort of enhancement it needs imho :) More text!


More text <3


I would love to see the documentation working like that. With Phaser, like Pixi.js, moving away from global variables, we could also have multiple examples per page. More text and inline examples would make for one hell of a great documentation. I'd like to help with that when I'm more comfortable with Phaser :)

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the typescript definition files seem to have some errors (trying in vs..)


got some optional parameters done wrong (have needed parameters after optional)


and.. can't find a definition file for sat.js :(


plus.. a lot of definitions are missing..


maybe i should just ditch typescript 

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Congratulations rich! 


I've just got one or two little questions.


In the older versions I used "Sprite.body = null" to remove that sprite from being checked for physics. Is this still a viable way to do that? Similarly does Sprite.autoCull still work as before?


I'm using ChipmunkJS as my physics system at the moment so It's pretty important that I cut down the amount of time Phaser is doing physics to as small as possible :P 


Looking to maybe move to the new SAT system if time allows!

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Thank you rich and the Photon Storm team, this is great! I find it amazing how you give back to the community like this.


Just a few days after discovering Phaser, I catch the 1.1.4 release. So I guess I will be cutting my teeth on this version, and will report any issues on GitHub.


I see there is Protracker module support included with this release, making my post in the Audio forum moot :D

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In the older versions I used "Sprite.body = null" to remove that sprite from being checked for physics. Is this still a viable way to do that? Similarly does Sprite.autoCull still work as before?



Yes this still works fine :)


And nothing changed with autoCull, so it should still be fine yes.

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Hi people, I am new at this, but I can see its all good. I am now learning and planning to develop games using this amazing framework. However I am facing an issue with getting started.


I have windows 7 with IIS running and when I try to run the examples I get following error "Unable to load examples.json data file". I tried it on all 3 browsers I have, Chrome, FireFox and IE10. The version of Phaser is 1.1.4 (Master)


Can anyone help me out?




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