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  1. I'm using PhaserCE 2.10.0 and I've setup my game in (256) x (256*aspectRatio) in portrait mode using the SHOW_ALL scale method to size up to the screen. Everything's been going pretty well, but now I've run into a weird issue. I'm just not sure if it's a bug I should report or if I should just be doing something different. On android(in chrome and the cocoon dev app) pointer coordinates(read via input.pointer#.x|y) max out at 104. On desktop, it works just fine, with x coordinates maxing at 255 and y maxing dependent on the screen aspect ratio. Here's a debug shot of my input dev view where I touched 2 fingers down near the center of the screen and moved them to opposite corners of the view. I've tried a few different versions of Phaser 2.10.1, 2.7.10, and 2.4.9 and found that the issue goes away with 2.4.9. Obviously, I could just use an old version for now but... I don't wanna. Anyone with more Phaser experience know what might have changed to cause this? If it helps, here's my init call: App.game = new Phaser.Game({ width: scale.width, height: scale.height, renderer: Phaser.AUTO, antialias: false, resolution: 1 }) Boot state setup: Boot.prototype.create = function _Boot_create() { this.game.time.advancedTiming = App.debug this.game.renderer.renderSession.roundPixels = true this.game.scale.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL this.game.scale.pageAlignHorizontally = true this.game.scale.pageAlignVertically = true this.game.scale.refresh() this.game.state.start("load") } Play state create: Play.prototype.create = function _Play_create() { var scale = Util.scale() this.world.resize(scale.width, 5*scale.height) this.physics.arcade.gravity.y = 750 this.stage.backgroundColor = "#aaddff" this.player = new Player(this) new Floor(this, this.game.world.height) new Platform(this, 64, this.game.world.height - 64, 64, 1) this.camera.follow(this.player.sprite) this.controls = new Input(this) } Input setup for Play state: var Input = function _Input ( scene ) { this.scene = scene this.cursors = this.scene.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys() this.scene.input.gamepad.start() this.pad1 = this.scene.input.gamepad.pad1 this.p1 = this.scene.input.pointer1 this.p2 = this.scene.input.pointer2 this.butt = 0 this.scene.input.gamepad.onDownCallback = function (e) { this.butt = e } }
  2. Hi guys I've stumbled across Phaser which looks very interesting. Since there seems to be this strange desire for everything to work on a mobile phone (not particularly something I agree with), I did try loading some of the examples up from the phaser website. Although these look more than awesome on a desktop browser (Chrome), my Google Nexus 6P with it's speedy processor could not render properly and I have these concerns: 1. Failed to render the same as a desktop (darlek for instance looked very pixelated/loss of pixels completely or check wave example for instance stops rendering a smooth wave form and starts taking on a block apparence) 2. It also made my phone very laggy, I'd have uploaded a screen grab but the phone could not perform one due to the lag issue. (The phone also started becoming very hot which is an indication of high load on battery and CPU/GPU...actually don't phones even have gpu?) 3. the canvas element doesn't allow for dragging the page to scroll (something I've seen an issue with in other canvas related apps) As far as looking at this for desktop, I'd still be very interested in getting started with it as my previous browser games/tests fail to provide the capacity that I could use with HTML5 canvas (I haven't used much in the way of this) example of work done using only JQuery and simple HTML elements + CSS http://skyrocket.zombiesbyte.com/ I don't mean to start my first thread in a negative way, these concerns were simply to explore the communities thoughts and the direction of mobile support. Anyway, thanks for reading. Dal .. I managed to capture a screen grab on my phone in the end so file shows comparisons. FYI: Nexus 6P is comparable to Samsung Galaxy S6. probably also worth mentioning that I use Chrome browser on the phone too.
  3. I am generally quite new to Phaser and Javascript as a whole and have some issues i need clarifying. Issue 1: Audio in my game, my Ship sound is created and started like this in the create function. shipsound = this.game.add.audio('shipsound');shipsound.play(); and should be stopped when the player collides with the finish. nextLevel: function() { shipsound.stop(); powerupCollision = false; powerdownCollision = false; this.game.state.start("MainMenu"); }, But it does not stop and carrys on through to the next state, thoughts? Issue 2: I am currently using multiple states for levels, my first level works fine, not sure if its worth mentioning but i am currently applying velocity to my player in all states in the update function. update: function () { //Player velocity player.body.velocity.x = 250; When loading into my second state where the player should start at - player = new Player(this.game, 20,50); With debug the player starts at around 1461 x position, I have no idea what is causing this issue or how to fix it. If anyone can help in any way it would be appreciated, Thank You!
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