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Found 7 results

  1. for better loading speed, i used texture packer to change multiple sprites to some json atlas. sometime, fps drop from 45-50 to 2-3, especially when use tween or when user other object as modal popup in states. The "sprites" version working fine with 45-50 fps. It happened on "canvas" render mode, the "opengl" render mode is fine with 25-30fps. But i need to use canvas mode for capture screenshot button (canvas2image), and it give better fps (45-50 when uses pure sprites). Does anyone have a solution for this, please help. p/s: sorry for my bad english!
  2. Hi guys, I'm using Flash to create graphics, exporting to a swf file, importing into Texture Packer and then exporting to a JSONArray. If you set your Flash stage size the same as your Phaser stage size, then the workflow is potentially very efficient. I should be able to add all my different sprites to the stage and they will appear in exactly the right spot right? Well this does work, but when I try to change the anchor point I'm running into problems. If I use 'Trim' mode in TP, the anchor point is then based on the Flash stage size, rather than the bounds of the sprite, so this is no good. If I use 'Crop, keep position' mode in TP, the anchor point is now correctly based on the sprite bounds, but the spriteSourceSize values are no where to be seen in Phaser. I can still see the correct spriteSourceSize object in the json file, but it seems because "trimmed" is now set to "false", that these values don't make it into Phaser at all. So yes, I can fix the problem by changing all "trimmed" values to true, but this is not ideal. Has anyone else run into the same problem? Any ideas for how to get around this? Am I doing something stupid? Thanks! Matt.
  3. Hi, I have a problem with loading an atlas in my preload method of a state. here is my code to load it (TypeScript): this.game.load.atlas('atlas', 'atlas.png', 'atlas.json');Here is the error messages I receive when testing: "Phaser.Loader - textureatlas[atlas]: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data""Texture with key 'atlas' not found."TypeError: this._frameData is nulland here you can view my atlas.json file. The json file is without BOM. What is the Problem with it?
  4. Hello. I've been using Phaser now for the last few months and I love it, but I've run into a bit of an issue with texture packer and atlas'. I know its important to look before you ask, but because I'm not sure how I would search my issue I feel I have to post about it. Here it is. I have a sprite sheet I've made with texture packer and an atlas. It loads up just fine in my game but when I call a frame that is larger than my 'standing' sprite the sprite seems to scoot to the left. Now I understand that that the reason for this is the area takes the size of the largest sprite in the sheet, so I tried making sure that all the sprites had the same dimensions, but I'm still having the issue. I've set my anchor point to the center of the sprite already as well. Any suggestions or tips would be great. Thank you
  5. Hello All, I am starting with js and Pixi so please excuse me if there are errors in my description. I am using TexturePacker for my animations. All my images do not fit in a 2048 x 2048 image so I have multiple json files with their respective images (one image for each json file). I am loading the json / image with AssetLoader based on this game: http://www.emanueleferonato.com/2014/02/26/complete-html5-concentration-game-made-with-pixi-js/ For example: var assetsToLoad = [ 'ani1.json', 'ani2.json' ]; and then: var loader = new PIXI.AssetLoader(assetsToLoad);loader.onComplete = onAssetsLoaded;loader.load(); Then when I need the image I use (for example to load the first image in the first json file): var icono = new PIXI.Sprite.fromFrame(0); However I notice that when i load the second json the images are rewriten so the first image of the second json file overrides the first image of the first json loaded. I was expecting that loading two json files or more will append the images to the frame id list. So if the first json has 50 images the first image of the second json file will have frameid = 50 and then 51, 52, etc.. I found that in PIXI.JsonLoader.prototype.onJSONLoaded there is the following code: for (var i in frameData) { ..... PIXI.TextureCache = new PIXI.Texture(this.texture, textureSize, crop, trim); ...... } So this means that every json file loaded will start from 0 the frame id (TextureCache index) since i starts in 0and will overwrite the last ones loaded. A quick fix (but maybe not very clean) was adding a variable to check the frame id counter: PIXI.TextureCache = {};var cacheSize = 0; and then: PIXI.TextureCache[cacheSize++] = new PIXI.Texture(this.texture, textureSize, crop, trim); Is there a correct way of loading multiple json files without modifying pixi source?I tried also loading the json files with PIXI.AtlasLoader instead of PIXI.AssetLoader but was not able to. Thank you Best regards
  6. Scroll3

    game atlas

    Hi, I have an image with all my sprites and tiles of a game and I've packed it into a single picture with texture Packer. Now I want to read the json created by texturepacker and use the data with Phaser. I load the atlas with: game.load.atlas('game', 'assets/my_atlas.png', null, my_atlas); my_atlas is a var with the content of the json file. Inside the atlas I have a background, a tile ground, animated character... I don't know how to use them. Thank you!
  7. Hi guys, I've created a tool for developers which is called tPacker! Main adventage of tPacker is ONLINE feature! More features: - 'Drag and dropping' to create texture maps or animation sprite sheets with code( code includes coordinates of every image) - Animation's previews - Generating iOS and Android icons - Reduce size of an app - You can store your animations in the cloud It's compatible with HTML 5 but also with many other game engines! But the most important for is your opinion about this tool I want to know what you like in it and what I should change or improve! Please write what you think about it! Link: http://www.tPacker.com There you can watch demo video: http://vimeo.com/80879314
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