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Prob with body.immovable..


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Hi !


I'm trying to make a game with collisions between two sprites, the hero and the earth ( a sphere)..


When i'm writting this : 

bgFront = this.game.add.sprite(game.width/2,game.height*1.8,"planeteFront");bgFront.anchor.setTo(0.5,0.5);game.physics.enable(bgFront, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);bgFront.body.immovable = true;

 My sprite bgFront ( which is my sphere) is falling down...


I don't understand why ?


Thank you !


Edit 1 : i've add bgFront.body.moves = false; my sprite doesn't move now, but the hero passes through ...?

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 My sprite bgFront ( which is my sphere) is falling down...


I don't understand why ?



Gravity? Immovable means another object can't influence it, i.e. another sprite colliding with it. But it will still react to world physics, local forces, etc - unless told not to.


Also Arcade Physics has no concepts of spheres (or circles) at all - bear this in mind before you get much further :) You may need to swap to P2.

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Gravity? Immovable means another object can't influence it, i.e. another sprite colliding with it. But it will still react to world physics, local forces, etc - unless told not to.


Also Arcade Physics has no concepts of spheres (or circles) at all - bear this in mind before you get much further :) You may need to swap to P2.


Thank you ! P2 physics looks like awesome !

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