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Phaser.Keyboard keys not registering .onDown events in certain combinations


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I'm making a game that uses key presses in combination to accomplish specific actions. Some of the puzzles require that you hold all 4 keys down at the same time.

This works fine for the english key specifications (T E A and M) however the french keys N O U and S won't register that they are all pressed at the same time for some reason.



I've created a jsFiddle to demonstrate this odd issue.




Please help!



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You shouldn't make a game that requires that many simultaneous key presses because there are millions of keyboards out there that suffer from ghosting and can't handle it.


From the Phaser.Keyboard documentation:


"Be aware that many keyboards are unable to process certain combinations of keys due to hardware limitations known as ghosting. Full details here: http://www.html5gamedevs.com/topic/4876-impossible-to-use-more-than-2-keyboard-input-buttons-at-the-same-time/"
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