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Skybox huge impact on performance (on mobile browsers)


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I'm seeing a huge performance drop on mobile browsers whenever I put a skybox on my scene, even if scene is very simple. This can be seen even on BabylonJS site - Lens flares demo http://www.babylonjs.com/?48

Can someone confirm this (i hope its not just me...) ?

ThreeJS examples work perfectly on my devices, this one for example http://threejs.org/examples/#webgl_materials_envmaps


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It looks like I judged too quickly... I'm actually having a problem with BablylonHx targeting android (via C++) - putting a skybox on a scene brings FPS from 60 to 4~5. So I opened both BHx and BJs lens flare example on my two android devices (4.2.1 and 4.2.2) in chrome and firefox and on one device I get 4~5FPS and on another ~10FPS. But the problem is not only in LensFlare example, all of them work really bad.

However, ThreeJS examples work much better, this one http://threejs.org/examples/#webgl_materials_envmaps works on constant 60FPS.

Can someone with android device check this ?


I really don't get what is killing BHx (c++) version, as soon as I put a skybox GameBench is showing  99% Fragment shader load ...

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On BHx _hardwareScalingLevel is locked to 1 for all targets except js. Also the problem is not in rendering resolution or in resolution of skybox images (i've tried all kids of sizes). If I put a Layer as a background for my game then I have no problems - and the image can be even 2048px.

It looks like CubeTexture is a performance killer for BHx ?!... This is going to be a long night for me...

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Other idea!!!!


this code in the shader:

vec3 computeReflectionCoords(float mode, vec4 worldPos, vec3 worldNormal){	if (mode == MAP_SPHERICAL)	{		vec3 coords = vec3(view * vec4(worldNormal, 0.0));		return vec3(reflectionMatrix * vec4(coords, 1.0));	}	else if (mode == MAP_PLANAR)	{		vec3 viewDir = worldPos.xyz - vEyePosition;		vec3 coords = normalize(reflect(viewDir, worldNormal));		return vec3(reflectionMatrix * vec4(coords, 1));	}	else if (mode == MAP_CUBIC)	{		vec3 viewDir = worldPos.xyz - vEyePosition;		vec3 coords = reflect(viewDir, worldNormal);#ifdef INVERTCUBICMAP		coords.y = 1.0 - coords.y;#endif		return vec3(reflectionMatrix * vec4(coords, 0));	}	else if (mode == MAP_PROJECTION)	{		return vec3(reflectionMatrix * (view * worldPos));	}	else if (mode == MAP_SKYBOX)	{		return vPositionUVW;	}	return vec3(0, 0, 0);}

uses too much "if"


Let me optimize it a bit :)

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@deltakosh I've tried with your changes and got some improvements. Now I have ~25FPS in my game but the GPU is still on 97% (fragment load).

I've also tried without "viewDir" vector (reused coords vec) and got 2-3FPS more:


vec3 computeReflectionCoords(vec4 worldPos, vec3 worldNormal)
vec3 coords = vec3(view * vec4(worldNormal, 0.0));
return vec3(reflectionMatrix * vec4(coords, 1.0));
vec3 coords = worldPos.xyz - vEyePosition;
coords = normalize(reflect(coords, worldNormal));
return vec3(reflectionMatrix * vec4(coords, 1));
vec3 coords = worldPos.xyz - vEyePosition;
coords = reflect(coords, worldNormal);
coords.y = 1.0 - coords.y;
return vec3(reflectionMatrix * vec4(coords, 0));
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With your latest changes I got pretty big speedup - from 5 to ~25fps but still, when I remove skybox from scene I'm getting 60fps.

And I was trying all kinds of reflectionTexture.coordinatesMode (Texture.CUBIC_MODE too - in this case viewdir was used I guess ?!)

Anyway, its still unusable for me so I guess I'll use layer as a background image for current project.

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