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Loading animations on the fly


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13 minutes ago, Deltakosh said:

So this is already possible I think :)

- Go to Blender or Max or any .babylon.js compatible exporter

- Export superman mesh (only)

- Then export skeleton + walking animation to a walk.babylon

- Then export skeleton + fight to fight.babylon


Now you can SceneLoader.Load("superman") and SceneLoader.Append("walk") to get a new skeleton you can then apply to superman


Does it make sense?

yes ^^ we try ^^

some of us do'nt use blender :P some of us do'nt know bvh :P and few of us (1) want to use kinect :D

but  :P none of us have a working playground ^^

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2 minutes ago, benoit-1842 said:

Correct. I am not that good in english so I will explain it french : donc je cree des animations avec le kinect en format bvh.  J'ai construit un personnage. Je veux e'n webgl que mon personnage soit capable de recevoir des bvh a la volee sans avoir a passer par le bon vieux blender. Parce qiue presentement c'est possible avec three.js mais pas avec babylon.js pourqupi bvh ? C'est tres leger et ca permet d'avoir des animations complexes sans trop taxer mon programme.




c'est ta demande pas celle d'origine de Dad72

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like Dad72, you can use a translator if you don't feel comfortable with the Shakespeare's language. ;)

But don't feel afraid to write wrong english, we all do... it's not real english, kind of globish instead : something that everyone in the world believe to understand and pretend to speak. :D

As long as we all almost understand each other, it doesn't really matter if it's right or wrong in term of correct language.


... if you could hear DK speaking english with his accent from the Landes :-D  (I shouldn't laugh at him, I'm worse !)

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I may have been wrong in what I stated.

It would be great to have:






etc. I saw the demo with the bvh for threejs and sea3d, but I came over to babylon from threejs and sea3d. Going back is not an option. 


I just want to have my skeleton and mesh in one file and be able to apply smaller files to it to produce animations. 

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Deltakosh: have you a sample? I'm working hard on it. But i'm unable to make it work...

animation copy doesn't found the end of my anymation by name.



bvh can be imported with blender and could be converted. Not sure we need to develop direct importer for babylon.

But :P we need to have smaller babylon files ^^.



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DK. I tried your solution to export Skeleton with animation only.
Looks like the biped is considered an object with export 3ds max.

My original request was not using BVH I do not know, but to add animations to the request as Eboo explain.


Now you can SceneLoader.Load("superman") and SceneLoader.Append("walk") to get a new skeleton you can then apply to superman

This is not working. I did and I had a black character and no animation and no error in the console.

Thank you DK


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Problem 1) In made there was a problem exporting an object with only a skeleton. all the bones are exported as meshes and are like skeleton. For the skeleton in the console I have the name: Skeleton 0


Problem 2)  Then if I export only the skeleton with animations. Same thing, no animation is exported and the skeleton is considered a meshes. No skeleton is exported here :


I send you the .max file by MP @Deltakosh 


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But suddenly, no bone is not exported.

If I export the Skeleton with animation, nothing is exported by doing this, no bones, no animation. and if I active the option, export as meshes.

Y really a problem DK. I explained the problem in French by 'MP'

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I try to create a skeleton only. If I do not checked 'Do not export', it exports a meshes.
If I checked 'Do not Export' it exports no meshes and no bones.(see screenshot)

I can not get any easier for the tests. So separate animations of a mesh is no possible. What looks like a big bug. Sorry you add the additional works DK.

I suppose that in the missing of a 'skin' modifier, the skeleton is regarded as a mesh. By checking 'Do not export.' nothing is exported (see screenshot)

Maybe I explain evil. but you can not export a skeleton with animation without the mesh. otherwise the skeleton export as a mesh that should not be.

This explains the bugs I have since the beginning of this sujet.

Is someone can also try and confirm the problem in a more understandable English than mine please.


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In order to export skeleton, you NEED to have a mesh using it. There is no bug here (stop calling for bugs everytime please).

What I suggest is just using a really simple mesh to support it (not the real complex one exported in a different file).


In the future, if someone wants to do it, we can think about exporting skeletons not linked to a mesh. But for now you have to attach it to a mesh (even a simple box can make it)

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