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Phaser group forEachAlive loop in reverse


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When I use forEachAlive loop on a group I see that it goes in ascending index order, I need to loop through group children in reverse order without changing their indexes or display order.

I searched on google, in documentation ad in examples but I can't find a solution.

I will be very grateful for any help.

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Thanks for all the help. I looked into source code of the framework and added changed versions of functions that already exists there. I changed the "for" loop in iterate function. It probably is a little bit of an overkill but it works fine so far.


Phaser.Group.prototype.reverseIterate = function (key, value, returnType, callback, callbackContext, args) {

    if (this.children.length === 0)
        if (returnType === Phaser.Group.RETURN_TOTAL)
            return 0;
        else if (returnType === Phaser.Group.RETURN_ALL)
            return [];

    var total = 0;

    if (returnType === Phaser.Group.RETURN_ALL)
        var output = [];

    for (var i = this.children.length - 1; i >= 0 ; i--)
        if (this.children[i][key] === value)

            if (callback)
                if (args)
                    args[0] = this.children[i];
                    callback.apply(callbackContext, args);
                    callback.call(callbackContext, this.children[i]);

            if (returnType === Phaser.Group.RETURN_CHILD)
                return this.children[i];
            else if (returnType === Phaser.Group.RETURN_ALL)

    if (returnType === Phaser.Group.RETURN_TOTAL)
        return total;
    else if (returnType === Phaser.Group.RETURN_ALL)
        return output;
        return null;


Phaser.Group.prototype.forEachAliveReverse = function (callback, callbackContext) {

    var args;

    if (arguments.length > 2)
        args = [null];

        for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++)

    this.reverseIterate('alive', true, Phaser.Group.RETURN_TOTAL, callback, callbackContext, args);



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