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Elevation of terrain


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Hi, I have a new question about how can I get a elevation of terrain. Now I am using this function:CreateGroundFromHeightMap() and I use a png as parameter. However, I dont get the accuracy that I would like having. I have 1 height by each 2meters so I consider that I should use this data to calculate the height of terrain instead of the intensity of color. Do you know how could I do it?




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Well I have an elevation of terrain in GLOBAL MAPPER, it is a software to load differents type of files. I get this elevation using ortographic information. When I export this to png for using in BabylonJS I dont get the same accuracy. My question is if you know other way to elevate terrain using height data directly instead of image.

Theese are the captures of elevation of terrain and heigh map in GLOBAL MAPPER




The format of the height's file is:

Latitud, Longitud, Altura




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Hi again, finally I got the acuracy that I wanted exporting an image with png 24bits format. I solved this problem. However I have the next question. How could I get the height coordinate of ground after heightmap is applied?

Thanks and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

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yes this function is exactly that I need. However this is my code and it doesnt work...

var ground = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateGroundFromHeightMap("ground", "assets/textures/map.png", _width, _height, 1000, 0, 150, scene, false);
console.log(ground.getHeightAtCoordinates(0, 0));


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you need to wait for your ground to be created once the heightmap is downloaded... so call any method on a heighmap terrain only in the callback function


have a look at the parameter "onReady"

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something like this : 

var callbackFunction = function(mesh) {
    var h = mesh.getHeightAtCoordinates(x, z);

var options = {width: width, height: height, subdivisions: subdivisions, minHeight: 0,  maxHeight: 60, onReady: callbackFunction};
var ground = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateGroundFromHeightMap("ground", "http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/textures/heightMap.png", options, scene);


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I have made this iteration:

      var callbackFunction = function(mesh) {
            var vertex_data = BABYLON.VertexData.ExtractFromMesh(mesh);
            var h;    
            for (var i = 0; i < vertex_data.positions.length; i+=3) {
                h = mesh.getHeightAtCoordinates(vertex_data.positions[i],vertex_data.positions[i+1]);

is it well?

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yes it is well and I store all vertices of ground to array. However, I can not solve my problem by this way. I have different objects(tubes) and I have to get the height of (x,y) coordinates of ground wich are under this object exactly to set his height. Firstly, I don't know what are the vertices of ground under theese objects. Maybe, I consider that a solution can be use a ray to get the vertex under each point of tubes.... I hope your help


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I have just solved my problem. I was importing another version of babylonjs to my project and I get strange heights of vertices. I dont know the reason, maybe some update of framework. Now I am using this import:  <script src="http://www.babylonjs.com/babylon.js"></script>

is it always the last version of BabylonJS?

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