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[solved] Render in babylon 3.0


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Today i was start develop GUI of my game. When i started reading about new babylon GUI i decided to change old CastorGUI. So to start work with babylon GUI i need to init babylon 3.0 instead 2.5. 

GUI works fine, but my scene is rendered in half:


when i change position of my orho camerai can see that:

https://postimg.org/image/f2vgtin7f/9ddf0387/ - not visible shadows, and half of last tree


This is scene from BJS 2.5:


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Did you make it with TypeScript? Because when I upgraded, the code checker showed me which parts I had to rewrite. I also had some hacks in place that worked for 2.5 only, so that's also something you could check. Finally, the 3.0 version is being updated all the time, so you could check if an earlier version does work:

https://github.com/BabylonJS/Babylon.js/commits/master/dist/preview release/babylon.js

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On 13/06/2017 at 10:05 PM, TomaszFurca said:

When i started reading about new babylon GUI i decided to change old CastorGUI

LOL, It is not that old, I rewrote it with ECEMAScript 6 :D (The deposit has moved) But you have reasons BABYLON.GUI is awesome rather than a layer on top of the canvas as does CastorGUI.

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It must be the thing that makes objects and meshes disappear from the distance.

The trees and rocks are getting erased together with the ground; hence, this is something is making things get erased from a certain distance.

Did you have a line in which it states that the game shouldn't render anything farther or nearer than a certain distance?

If yes, that's the problem.


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When I disable orthocamera, then everything is displayed correct. Maybe this is some problem with orthocamera.

This is my all code of camera definition (I do not have any distance options, yet):

        var camera = new BABYLON.FreeCamera("camera1", new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0, 0), scene);
        camera.mode = BABYLON.Camera.ORTHOGRAPHIC_CAMERA;
        camera.orthoTop = 18;
        camera.orthoBottom = 0;
        camera.orthoLeft = -15;
        camera.orthoRight = 15;
        var ratio = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight ;
        var zoom = camera.orthoTop;
        var newWidth = zoom * ratio;
        camera.orthoLeft = -Math.abs(newWidth);
        camera.orthoRight = newWidth;
        camera.orthoBottom = -Math.abs(zoom/4);
        camera.rotation = new BABYLON.Vector3(0.4, -0.98, 0);


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