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Import Unity Asset into Babylon


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What's the best way to import a Unity Asset with animations into BabylonJS ? I tried https://github.com/BabylonJS/Exporters/tree/master/Unity 5/EditorToolkit , and was able to Export Scene, but it just didnt render properly. Might be because I'm using Unity 2017 .

I've also tried importing .fbx file to Blender 2.79 (for later export), but depending on the asset, animations are not being included. 

Right now, I'm inclined to generate pre-rendered 3d animations as a 2D spritesheet instead, but just wanted to see if anyone has a different recommendation.

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@simpleyuji -

I don't have any issues importing FBX files into Blender. But if I did then I would export only what I needed, as there shouldn't be any conflicts - just make sure you strip everything you don't need out of the scene. However, I always pass my FBX files through the free FBX converter - to write the file into any version and also to see if there are any issues before I spend a ton of time moving issues further down the pipeline.

And the .babylon exporter has always been a very faithful exporter and well supported thanks to @JCPalmer. Otherwise, what's the point of rendering in WebGL, if you're using a 2D spritesheet. That's a rabbit hole no one wants to revisit.

Unfortunately, the Unity to Babylon exporter hasn't been updated since Unity 5 - over 2 years ago. 


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I just began a project that requires scene export from Unity. However, the pipeline still needs to pass through the FBX converter in my opinion, as using the Unity exporter injects additional conversion - whereas moving straight to FBX from Unity always works and keeps the scene neat and clean. 


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